
Apparently said by Glenn Close in this film -WHAT!?


It never happened


It has been cut from the movie.




Me too. It was on the VHS USA tape but they cut it out when they released the movie to DVD but I'm not sure about the 1998 one but with the two disc movie collection one when 102 Dalmatians was released to video, they definitely cut the word out. They did the same on the Disney channel when they play the movie and when it was released on region 2 disc.
Sadly I didn't notice the word till my brothers pointed it out to me when I was 12 and I was stunned.



At what point does it happen in the movie? I've watched the heck out of the VHS and I never heard it.


thats crazy lol

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Funny I was reading this thread while that scene was just playing on TNT and as she is getting into the car after leaving the house and hitting the two men, it sounds like she said that.


I just missed it.. But couldnt it have been "punks" or something? That's how I remember it.


i dont think she would say 'Punks'
*beep* is more a word she would know

and she diffinalty does say it


I seem to remember it was 'punks'...no way would a Disney movie have the F-word


than why did disney deleted the word completly in newer releases ?


Because it's a children's movie. There shouldn't be a F word in it because it's rated G. It was just appalling. Of course the word is easy to miss for the youngsters but to others who know the word, they will catch it, I can't beleive I didn't catch it until it was pointed out to me. All I heard was "Fuh." Took me a while to accept she probably did say it. The actress might have just forgotten she was in a children's movie, not in a PG movie or PG-13 or R.

I am sure lot of parents complained to the Disney company about the word, so they deleted it when they released the DVD.



I completely Agree ! a couple of people kept saying she said "Punks" but there is no way she said that. i know i heard the F word too.


Just watched this on Sky Movies Any time and think I heard her say that LOL.



I haven't seen this movie since at the movie theater way back in 1996, and I still remember her saying that because I was just 10 years old and I was shocked when she did. I guess Glenn Close got carried away, which is kind of understandable since her performance was so fittingly over-the-top anyway, and she must've momentarily forgotten it was a kids/family target audience. I'm much more surprised neither Disney nor the MPAA didn't catch it initially. But yes she definitely said it. When I was 10 I wasn't looking for that kind of thing in a movie and I hadn't heard of her saying it in the movie from anyone, and I hadn't heard of it from anyone else since just right now on this board. Yikes though!

