agnes grey?

Has BBC ever converted Agnes Grey into a series or a movie?


Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like the BBC or any other production company anywhere has adapted Agnes Grey into a series or movie. But I have heard that Charlotte Bronte's novel "Shirley" is being turned into a movie by some independent company, which is good news because it's never been adapted before.


Oh, I haven't read <Shirley> yet, but I have read Charlotte Bronte's <Villete> and <The Professor>. I suppose BBC has not adapted these incredible but overlooked novels.


On imdb there's a 1970 mini-series version of "Villette" listed that was supposedly filmed in colour, but there's rumours that the footage is lost/was thrown out sometime. You're right about "The Professor" though; doesn't look like it's ever been adapted.


Thanks for the clarification...Did you watch this version of <The Tenant of Wildfell Hall?> I mean, it got the basic plot across, but I was upset that the producers ignored the side stories. For instance, I was disappointed that they brushed away Mr. Lawrences' budding friendship with Gilbert. I was also disappointed that they didn't show more of Millicent and her sister and the nupitals between Lawrence and Millicent's sister (whose name I cannot remember). I detested Rose in the novel but she was such a sweetie in the television series and I was half expecting her to end up with Mr. Lawerence, since the producers took some liberties with the original plot and had Eliza marry Richard Wilson...What did you think?


But I have heard that Charlotte Bronte's novel "Shirley" is being turned into a movie by some independent company
Really? Tell me more!


I haven't been to this board for a while, so sorry for not replying back earlier kshep003 and coldwindtovalhalla.

kshep003, unfortunately I haven't had the chance to watch this version of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall yet, but am hoping to buy a copy of it in the near future.

coldwindtovalhalla, I found this article about woman called Dr. Jo Baker writing a script for "Shirley" which is in development with an independent production company called Green Park Films. You can view the story here: 3B5E34

Life is a comedy to those who think, and a tragedy to those who feel.


Thank you, ameized!


I really liked Shirley. Villette was also good but I don't think it would make such good TV/movie. Shirley would make the best TV of her books in my opinion.
