Who's Samantha?

Ok so I saw there was a little quiz thing you can take where it names the character or crew member title and you have to type in who it was. Got this question and took the hint: http://i1357.photobucket.com/albums/q743/thecrystalkaizoku/samantha_zp sfcf33865.jpg

So, um, yeah. Who's Samantha?
Mike: Trust me. I'm a bass player!


I'm guessing it was Catalina's Original Character's name. Probably from the unaired pilot. I didn't watch enough of it to know if they all had the same nemes or not but that's what I'm guessing....

Or it could just be a mistake someone putting that instead of Catalina.


I thought maybe it was a mistake, but then a friend of mine made me remember the Dram episode, remember when they showed that video of Dram and Jewel Staite played his daughter? My friend thinks that may have been Samamtha. But the character went unnamed on the show, I believe.

Mike: Trust me. I'm a bass player!


Nope, Dram's daughter was named Mirabella.


You're right. Oh, well, time for a rewatch. lol

Mike: Trust me. I'm a bass player!
