Questions and Help (Spoilers!)

Okay so what is going on and happening in this season? Will someone message me or something and let me know. Does some Sailor Scouts die? Does Sailor Moon die and Darien? I think I saw Serena almost die. Well someone let me know please.


depends on what you want to know. It easy to find the show, and It takes about 2 days to download the whole season. Its a great season and you should see it if you are a Sailor moon Fan.

There are also massive differences between this story and the manga, if you have read it.


I wonder if you ever found out, since no one answered your questions here. :p Yes, they all die, but they come back at the end. I could go all into why they died and how they came back, but that ruin the whole series. ;)That, and I'm much too lazy to type it out right now. :p

I've had all the Enlightenment I could use. ~Methos
I <3 Joaquin Phoenix.


Technically...not all the senshi die. The only ones left standing would be the Starlights and Usagi.....and Galaxia....until all are revived via their Star seeds.....



I know this thread is years old, but I thought I'd reply to this anyway in case someone else was wondering.

Not sure how it plays out in the manga, as I haven't read it, but in the anime, all of them die, even the Starlights and Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon dies when she defeats Galaxia. They are all revived, though, with the return of the Starseeds.


Actually, I was wrong. :p I just now finished watching Stars again for the first time in a long time, and it's The Starlights that don't die at the end. Some could argue that Sailor Moon also doesn't die, but others, like me, got the impression that she does die when Galaxia takes her Star Seed. It is then that The Light of Hope awakens. There is a scene where Usagi is floating inside the light, presumably in death, and then is given the Star Seed that belongs to The Light of Hope, along with the Sword of Sealing, thus reviving her so she can defeat Chaos.
