Katrina and Spellman twins

Every member of the Spellman family having a twin means the family is twice a big as you might think it is. How is that kept a secret from Spellman children, particularly those who are raised knowing that they and their families are witches and are exposed to more witch and Other Realm stuff? Being born with a twin means every mother who gives birth to a Spellman baby gives and gives birth to twins. Teenagers are sure to notice that. Twins are presumably separated early to preserve the secret. Katrina raised in South Dakota. How was it decided which twin to keep with their parents? Who the heck raised Katrina? Suppose the evil twin is raised with his/her parents and the good twin never knows them until their basically an adult. Supposed Hilda or Zelda was raised with the other's evil twin. They wouldn't be able to know each other until they're old enough. Seems like all the good twins were coincidentally raised by their birth parents and among the bulk of their extended family.

(this signature was absent on picture day)


I also wondered if they had been, as you mentioned, "separated early to preserve the secret"; however, I'm led to believe that they were born from a different set of parents because of the following:

In the episode "The Good. The Bad, and The Luau" after learning the family secret we learn that Katrina was raised in South Dakota in a house exactly like Hilda and Zelda's... and, of course, Katrina looks exactly like Sabrina. Then, after spending the day with Katrina in Hawaii, Sabrina she says to her aunts, "Katrina and I had a great time yesterday. It's weird that we don't have the same parents." Sabrina then goes on to ask, "Are your twins as nice as mine?" and learns about the whole 'evil twin' aspect of the family secret.

Rather than being separated at birth, I imagine Spellman twins are linked through magic triggered by some kind of special event (e.g. born on the same date at the exact same time) rather than biology (i.e. birth parents). It probably explains why they don't really emphasize twins as being siblings... especially if you only get to spend an afternoon with them before throwing them into a volcano.

I think a better term to describe the phenomenon would be doppelganger but that was probably trickier to change into a clue!


I think you hit the nail on the head. Doppelganger is a better term but yeah harder to guess with phonetic clues.

(this signature was absent on picture day)


Makes sense.

Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that I'll be over here looking through your stuff.


I never looked at it that way but it does make sense.

"Sometimes life hands you lemons that are worth 2 in the bush, I like kittens."
