Willful ignorance

I never cease to be marvel at the historical illiteracy of those who pretend to be liberal (though they're really fascists of course) and condemn America as evil for the Hiroshima & Nagasaki bombings while giving the vastly more evil Japanese empire a pass, conveniently blind to the irrefutable fact that had the war gone on conventionally, incalculable thousands more lives on both sides would have been lost, as this story falsely portrays the matter, typical for blind Hollywood bigotry. No one questions the horrific nature of those a-bombs, but when dealing with as deranged and sadistic a regime as Tojo's sometimes the otherwise unthinkable is the only possible option. But of course those who pretend to decry the a-bomb are really only looking for an excuse to condemn America, ironically blind to how they're only condemning themselves since they "live off the land" like the infantile "Occupy" freeloaders without the integrity to move away from what they condemn, being too slothful to engage courage with convictions, having none.
Even even the fascists of that day ironically outlawed the even more reprehensible kind of barbarism Americans willfully blindly perpetrate against our own unborn (especially their *beep* especially Demoncraps, though of course also many others, barbarism being an equal opportunity employer, still enslave, see www.blackgenocide.org) (more millions lost than in any of our wars) for the profiting of mostly white male abortionists, putting the lie to abortion being pro-feminist when it lines the pockets of mostly white males and kills and financially exploits who knows how many women, especially the poor, as Demoncraps have always done, first slavery/racism, then feminist sexism, then abortion, now sodomy, and who knows when it will end so long as it even partly satisfies the vile lusts of antiChristian bigotry for which minority Hollywood has long been infamous.


Are you referring to the episode in which Jarod pretends to be an abortion doctor, or the one in which he infiltrates the social conservative terrorists who were blowing up clinics?

Whether you like it or don't like it, learn to love it.


What episode are you referring to?? I dont remember him ever being an abortionist. That would go totally opposite everything he says and does in all the shows-he is totally committed to preserving life. Its even in the opening of every show..."Life is a gift."


"Ooh!Pass the popcorn! This is gonna be good!"


you could've just said "i hate liberals", saved us some time.
