MovieChat Forums > Power Rangers Zeo (1996) Discussion > why didnt Billy become a Zeo Ranger? HEL...

why didnt Billy become a Zeo Ranger? HELP!!!!

i was wondering, why didnt Billy become a Zeo Ranger because he was clearly the one of the best mighty rangers!
i think i vagley remeber him tryin 2 become the gold ranger or something!
why couldnt he?

Fletcher: What is wrong with me? I'm getting what I deserve. I'm reaping what I sow. I'm....


Trey of Triphoria tried to pass on the Gold Ranger powers to Billy, while the other rangers were in battle. However, the transfer didn't work.

When the other rangers got back to the Power Chamber, Billy explained that he couldn't obtain the Gold Ranger powers because he obtained a high dose of negative proton molecules that resist the Gold Power. He obtained them when the Command Center blew up in "Hogday Afternoon, Pt. 2", the final episode of MMPR.

Tommy then suggested that he had someone else in mind. That turned out to be Jason.


The main reason he wasn't a ranger to start the series was because the zeo crystal only had 5 subdivisions. he passed on his power to tanya.


Actually the real reason was that David Yost wanted out!!!

In the last ep you see him in, well you don't actually see Billy...but some old dude.
The footage that is used of Billy on at Aquitar is recycled from another ep, and the voice is done by someone else!

Maybe he quit because he didn't like the direction the character was going, and personally I don't blame him...Billy was quite cool and he got a back seat in the Zeo series.....I think towards the end the only one to really aknowledge him was Jason, all the others, forgot him.
He took a back seat to the new ranger, Tanya, and I really hated that....I would have much prefered to see Tanya in the back seat role and Billy for up front! He should have so taken that power away from Tanya, and then become the yellow ranger (and there has been male yellow rangers, mostly in the Sentai series, the yellow one is male!)

"You look at me like maybe, I'm an angel undeneath, innocent and sweet"


After all that's said and done... Billy IS the greatest Blue Ranger.


Rocky should have been yellow and billy should've been blue


Because they wanted Jason back since he was the first leader and one of the most popular rangers. But Billy has that Gold Ranger would've fit the story much more.



I wish Billy could have been blue on Turbo or Zeo.

I never was into Rocky. And he should have been the blue turbo ranger instead of Justin for obvious reasons.

I remeber getting so ticked when I found out that Billy couldnt be the Gold ranger.


What obvious reasons?


Justin just didnt fit in. Like him getting bigger after he morphs. (I know it was for stunt purposes but still)

I understand David Yost was gone by the time Turbo came, but for storyline purposes it would be more consistant had he been the 1st backup choice for Rocky. Billy's character would have been perfect for Turbo, science/mechanics related and all.


Consistence is something that don't exist in this show.

Anyways Justin was pretty cool at least for the major audience ages that had the same age has him. I had the same age as him at the time and I really liked him 'cause made me think that even a kid like me could be an awesome Power Ranger.


He should have so taken that power away from Tanya, and then become the yellow ranger (and there has been male yellow rangers, mostly in the Sentai series, the yellow one is male!

Yeah, in Zyuranger and Dairanger. But in Ohranger, the yellow ranger was a woman. So there's no way a guy could've been yellow in Zeo. Unless, y'all wanted to see him in a skirt. lol

Justin just didnt fit in. Like him getting bigger after he morphs. (I know it was for stunt purposes but still)

I kinda thought since Brad Hawkins (Ryan Steele from VR Troopers) didn't get a chance to be the White or Gold Ranger (civilian form), that he could've been the Blue Turbo Ranger. A VR Troopers crossover would've been awesome!


From what I remember reading they were going to make Billy the Gold Ranger, but David Yost wanted out of the series. He didn't like the direction his character was going and he was getting homophobic remarks towards him from the producers because David Yost is gay in real life. He left the series abrubtly that is where there is recycled footage of him in his final episodes.


After all that's said and done... Billy IS the greatest Blue Ranger

I disagree. Jason and Tommy were the best.

Also, I just noticed that Amy Jo Johnson was the only original actor to actually participate in her farewell episode. Austin St. John, Thuy Thang and Walter Jones were replaced because they wanted money and their farewell episode was recycled footage with different (and terrible) people doing their voices and Billy was pretty much the same way. But at least Austin St. John had the right mind to return to Power Rangers 3 times (Zeo, Turbo movie and Forever Red).


I disagree. Jason and Tommy were the best.

Like, Jason and Tommy were not Blue Rangers


My fault, didn't realize it said that.



I think it would have been kinda wrong having Tanya alter her entire life's timeline to return with the yellow Zeo crystal just to serve no purpose on the team, plus she was Aisha's choosen replacement so it wasn't really Billy's power to take.


He wanted to leave the show but they got him to sign a short term contract. Since he didn't agree to do the entire Zeo season they didn't make him a Ranger. He couldn't really pass as a teenager at that point anyways and they could only have 3 guys at the beginning and there were 4, and he wasn't going to be around long enough to end up being the 6th ranger. I think him and the producers had a falling out and they wrote him out of the show sooner than they planned. That's why there is the part with the old man where you never actually see David Yost other than the recycled clip of him being dubbed over by someone else...that was pretty lame.

I think it's funny how people are trying to explain it within the Power Rangers universe when it has nothing to do with the fictional aspect of it, lol losers.



Two very simple reasons:

1. The original Ohranger footage only had 5 rangers for most of the series.

2. Once they got around to introducing the Gold Ranger, Austin St. John wanted to return to the series. In a grab to gain viewers with the return of the most popular MMPR character ever, they essentially stole the role from what originally should have been Billy's.

Honestly, it's no surprise that David Yost left shortly after the Gold Ranger arc. The producers shoved his character into the background, and then when the role his character should have had came along, they instead gave it to an actor who had already walked out on the series, rather than someone who had stayed loyal to the series since Day 1 after everyone else had already left. I would have felt cheated too.


Yost wanted out probably as early as the end of season three, last few MMPR episodes. He didn't look like he wanted to be there most of the time and looked frustrated.
Ideally it would be nice to have a Forever Blue episode, much like the Forever Red episode. It was the perfect way for Jason to have an encore, it re-introduced Tommy. we got to see the under appreciated TJ and Andros as well Carter, Eric and Wes. I could imagine a good team up, sometime in the future. If it were to be made to today, here's how it should have gone down.

Blue MMPR: Billy
Blue Alian: Cestro
Blue Zeo: Rocky
Blue turbo: Justin
Blue Senturian
Blue Space Ranger: TJ
Blue Galaxy: Kai
Blue Lightspeed: Chad
Blue Timeforce: Lucas
Blue Wildforce: Max
Blue Wind: Tori
Navy Thunder: Blake
Blue Dino: Ethan
Blue SPD: ? could be Sky, Bridge or maybe even Z or Syd. At this point Matt Austin seems to be the most reliable, but he already became the Red Ranger. But since this would take place in the past, it could be explained that he was contacted at the time he was a blue Ranger. In that case if Chris Violette is available, wouldn't mind seeing him in Blue again.
Blue Mystic: Madison
Blue Overdrive: Dax
Blue JF: Theo

Plot: Theo is contacted by Justin, to go on a mission. Their intro to the other blue rangers is similar to Forever Red, with the entrence of Billy being similar to Jason.



What would also be cool is if they had Billy return, then he could rebuild all of the Blue Ranger zords from the first few series with:

Blue Triceratops and Blue Unicorn as legs
Blue Wolf and Blue Shogunzord as arms
Zeo Sphinx Zord as chest and battle head

to form a Blue Megazord. They should bring some of the Zords back along with the Rangers.


Yost wanted out probably as early as the end of season three, last few MMPR episodes.

I don't know how true that could be since he was the only one to on during the children episodes at the end of MMPR. I've read that the reason they became children and did the whole Alien Rangers was because they were going through contract negotiations and obviously Yost must have been the first to sign his contract since he was back on the series the 3rd episode into the Alien Ranger "Saga". I've also read that he was SUPPOSED to become the Gold Ranger but then the producers thought it was the better idea to bring on Austin St. John instead and Yost was pissed, which I would have been too, which is why Yost never had a true send off like Amy Jo Johnson did. Of the original 5 Rangers, only Johnson had a proper send off all the others had archive footage or other actors doing voiceovers for them. Unfortunate. I wonder how Yost feels about the series now. Austin, Walter Jones and Johnson have had something to do with the series since they left. Thuy Trang is dead so we'll never know how she felt about the series, but I'm dying to know what Yost thinks about it now.

Dragonzord! Mastodon! Pterodactyl! Triceratops! Saber Toothed Tiger! Tyrannosaurus!



David Yost was hard to work with behind the scenes & never gave them any solid ground on how long he would stay with Zeo at all. It was originally planned the he would leave with the Turbo Movie.



I take what I said back about David being hard to work with behind the scenes.

Things like this are what made him leave:

David Yost acted like a faggety bitch and didn't want to work with saban.



that contains info about what happened, i hadnt even realised he was gay till i read this lol



The thing with David Yost being gay was apparently part of the reason why he just left the set one day on Zeo. But he was already in the process of being written off as a ranger anyway since he didn't get a piece of the original Zeo crystal.


I'm not inclined to believe what they were saying about Yost being too hard to work with. If he was really THAT hard to work with, it seems like they would have just outright fired him instead of keeping him on the show as the Rangers' "technical adviser". He's the only person I can think of in the history of the show who stayed on as a regular character after losing Ranger powers.

Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment. -Michael Corleone


I was going to comment on why David left the show, but I see that's already been covered.

I will say though, in regards to Amy Jo outright hating the show, she seems to have softened up towards it in recent years. While she's made it clear that she wants to move on from that part of her life, she will be civil towards fans who bring it up and she also recently did an interview for the podcast series No Pink Spandex.

Danny Slavin (Leo Corbett/Red Ranger from Lost Galaxy) on the other hand...

We all have our problems, some just hide it better.


I was as surprised as anyone when Slavin came back to be in Power Rangers Super Megaforce. The man is literally a real estate lawyer and he chose to fly to NZ and put on a red spandex costume again.

That's just all sorts of awesome.

Never hate your enemies. It affects your judgment. -Michael Corleone
