Since having Chiller added to my package I have been addicted to this series. I've seen a lot of episodes (I'm not sure if I've seen them all) and I don't think there has been one episode I haven't liked. I especially love the episodes that are about a specific Legacy member like the episodes where they explore Rachel's family, Derek and his father, and Derek's ties to Rachel. Is anyone aware of why the series was cancelled? The final episode was great and I was wondering if that's how it was planned to end or if they were going to come back for a new season.

EDIT: OK, I've now seen every episode and I need to change my view slightly. I DO love this series, however every episode hasn't been awesome. There were too many "clip shows". Tonight they aired the episode "The Dark Side" where an ancient woman was recounting how certain members of the Legacy have turned to evil. It turned out at the end of the episode that she was talking to Alex Moreau trying to convert her to the dark side. There was really no point to the episode other than showing clips from past episodes. Nothing was resolved in the end.


Tonight they aired the episode "The Dark Side" where an ancient woman was recounting how certain members of the Legacy have turned to evil. It turned out at the end of the episode that she was talking to Alex Moreau trying to convert her to the dark side. There was really no point to the episode other than showing clips from past episodes. Nothing was resolved in the end.

This actually was resolved (mostly) in the double episode "The Traitor" and "Double Cross" which were the 6th and 7th aired episodes of season 4. It would seem that these two episodes should have directly followed "The Dark Side" but didn't for whatever reason.

Is anyone aware of why the series was cancelled? The final episode was great and I was wondering if that's how it was planned to end or if they were going to come back for a new season.

The first 3 seasons originally aired on Showtime and then it was syndicated and canceled. The Sci-fi channel picked it up (along with Stargate: SG-1 and The Outer Limits at the same time) as they were trying to expand their original programming schedule. It is my understanding that when they picked it up, they were only picking it up for an additional 22 episodes. Obviously if it would have been a ratings hit, it may have been renewed again. But, given this and the way the final episode actually ended, it would definitely appear that it was intended as the last episode. Although, it would only have taken a few small changes to turn it from a series to season finale, and vice versa.


This actually was resolved (mostly) in the double episode "The Traitor" and "Double Cross"

Yea, you're right. I hadn't realized that before because there's such a space between the airing of those epsodes.

Given this and the way the final episode actually ended, it would definitely appear that it was intended as the last episode.

The way it ended, though, it COULD have continued. Nick could have taken over as the new precipt (sp?). I had another question about that ending, but if Sci-Fi only picked it up for one more season then my question really has no basis. At the end Derek dies. I was going to ask if that's because he wanted to leave the show, or if they did it that way for another reason.


It's been years since I watched the show and have recently began from the beginning. I'm currently 6 episodes from the end of Season 3 and I've noticed that many episodes seem to be cataloged and aired out of order. Prime examples of this were in Season 1:

Man in the Mist (Ep 1x06) has Rachel much more inexperienced acting than 2-5 and Alex has short hair again. While the hair could be explained away with extensions, she also has the whole spaced-out bug-eyed thing going on like she did in Ep 1 and Ep 2. It just feels like it should have been placed just after the premiere movie (references to Rachel's just joining).

Dark Priest (1x15) a suit of armor (in the foyer) is being inducted into their collection at the beginning of the episode but that same armor was part of a plot device in a previous episode (I don't recall which) though notably absent any other previous episodes before, suggesting some transposition.

The rest of the seasons weren't as jarring, but still felt shifted around.

As much as I loved the show, my biggest issue with it has been dropped story-lines where something was hinted at (Alex goes to meet the Precept of another house, the Precept doesn't show, something ominous is made of it and Derek insists she get back to San Francisco immediately, and then... nothing.)


Um , Nick DID become the new precept ! The series creators CONFIRMED this in an interview !


No seasons 1&2 were on Showtime which screwed with it's airing so when the contract run out they found a new home with SYFY channel which proceeded to do exactly the same with seasons 3&4 and then cancelled it.

Some eps have been uploaded to youtube and you can watch it on hulu.
