Does anyone know if there's a Neverwhere message board or role-playing game?

I think it's better to break a man's leg than his heart.


There is an RPG that's based on Neverwhere, called "Underworld." It's tricky to find nowadays, and the system is pretty simplistic. And it's set in New York City, not London. Despite it's flaws, it's very, very cool.


Sounds wicked- you have a link?

I think it's better to break a man's leg than his heart.


I have put it here:



Oooh, I'd like to develope a RPG for Neverwhere...Hmmm...:::scurries off to think on it:::

"Andrew's on his way to the loo, spots me & says 'Michael! We MUST do Phantom together!'"


while not based on gaiman's work directly...Changeling, part of White Wolf's World of Darkness series(along with Vampire the Masquerade, etc..) deals with pretty much the same flavour....modern gothic fairy tales, changelings, the unseelie court..

the WOD rule system is also one of the best out there...i don't think they put out that many material for Changeling though...i just had the main rulebook for it.


I was hoping there was speculation or concrete news about a video game. Not that I'm salivating for one, but I think Neverwhere could work as a game. Much more expanded than the novel/TV series of course. Maybe you could follow a story in London Below that's different from what Richard and company went through. Intertwined with their story maybe. Getting to play as a whole bunch of different characters. Side quests could be as strange as taking the role of that rat that popped up a couple times, or the pigeon that had to get a message from Door to someone.


That would friggen rule! I would so be addicted to that. RPGs are worse than drugs. Diablo 2 has been out for over five years and I still waste hours on end playing it. I can't imagine what an RPG based on my favorite writers work would do to me, especially if Neil helped write the story to it


Another. Very easy system that should be familiar to Old Schoolers.



Postmortem game studios did an unoffical but semi authorized verion of Neverwhere a few years back:


It is done very well and written by honest to god London folk.
