Edited For DVD?

My mother watched the DVD release and was convinced she remembered scenes that weren't included on the dvd.

Has anyone else noticed this or has she mixed bits of the book up into her memory of the show?




Assuming you're talking about the Region 2 release, each episode is approximately 28 minutes long, which would indicate they're complete (half hour programmes on the BBC are never exactly 30 minutes in length - there are allowances for continuity announcers, trailers for other shows, etc).



It was the R2 version I was talking about. I watched them but couldn't see any gaps myself, but my mum is a far bigger fan than me!



Memory can play all sorts of tricks on us. I've seen people complaining about scenes that they thought had been cut from TV showings of 2001 for instance, when what they vivdly remembered seeing was actually an episode from the book.
