Series 24 So Far

Has been really excellent. Best in a long time.

The only not great episodes thus far have been the Catherine Tate and Mark Ronson ones. They weren't even bad though, just kinda decent.

The Terry Wogan and David O Doherty episodes in particular have been all time classics.

I like the guest host feature. It adds a nice element of risk to the quality of the show.

Also although I still insist his humour is repetitive (he's made the same 'you're like a rubbish supply teacher' joke 3/4 times now), I am starting to come around to Noel a bit.

Get out of my way, all of you! This is no place for loafers. Join me or die. Can you do any less?



Oh, no; just checked my TV mag - Tim Minchin this week. I can't stand that guy.

I can't stand him either. I'm not even sure why. I just do not like him.

Get out of my way, all of you! This is no place for loafers. Join me or die. Can you do any less?



I really liked Mark Ronson as a host, especially when he and Noel crimped. I thought yesterday's episode was hilarious when they put the pumpkin costumes on at the end. It was nice to see Noel finally win one.

"It doesn't matter how old you are bouncy castles are still genius." ~Vince Noir






Paloma faith is reaaally annoying, as she was the time she was on before. She tries to hard to be "kooky", but she fails.

don't struggle like that or I will only love you more



What do you think of the #BuzzcocksQT Red Button Button question time extra digital content that has been running for this series.

Did you get any questions in?

Have you checked out the Red Button playlist on BBC Comedy's YouTube channel?


The series has been terrible.

Guest host have varied in quality but outside of Wogan nobody's been anywhere near as entertaining as Simon was. Shows have been plagued by immensely unfunny jokes that run the course of entire episode. Some of the guests have been dire, Jedward worked because the cast weren't afraid to tear them apart; but them you have people like Jame's Blunt who have been ridiculed from his pop inception and he's treated like royalty.

To me the quality of this series makes me think that this may very well be the last one unless they're able to find an amazing host within the next year.


i thought tonight's episode with lee mack, very funny.
MYSTERION the true hero of South Park




I love the idea of having guest hosts but the quality has been too varied. Loved Wogan and O'Doherty (but I like O'Doherty as a comedian so I'm biased), Ronson was bad, HATED Westwood, he was just awful. (Liked Pat Sharp though!)

What did you think if Juliette Lewis? I thought she did ok considering presenting is not her thing and she didn't take herself too seriously, and obviously didn't get many of the UK references, but she was trying too hard at times and I could have done without her singing the next lines...


it seemed like she wasn't sure what she was doing most of the time. though it was sometimes funny. the people on the panel made it though.
MYSTERION the true hero of South Park



what did people think of josh groban?

he was pretty funny, but was so much funnier as one of the panel in simon's last show.
MYSTERION the true hero of South Park



was disappointed in the robert webb episode. expected it to be funnier due to what i had seen in the past. suppose the guest stars didn't help. that animal guy was boring.
MYSTERION the true hero of South Park



he was on last year. was quite good i thought.
MYSTERION the true hero of South Park



a very funny episode from Frankie.

as a sidenote, the second friend from my previous college has now appeared in the identity parade on this show.
in tonight's episode he was number 4 when it was noel's turn.

the other one, was number 5 when it was phil's turn in episode 5 of amstell's final season.

MYSTERION the true hero of South Park



Yeah Williams got there in the end.

Boyle and Lewis were two recent highlights, I think she's hysterical. 'You guys have Meth over here?'

Also O'Doherty and Wogan. Tate hate's the autocue and sucked. Dee isn't funny, the git.

"Frankenstein was creator,not the monster.A common misconception held by all truly stupid people"
