MovieChat Forums > Never Mind the Buzzcocks (1996) Discussion > Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstal l, Sway, ...

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstal l, Sway, Russell Brand, Greg Davies Episode

So its still on the shelf? ?entryID=comment&moduleID=contact

Link to email the Beeb.


That's a good idea to get people to e-mail in. I think it's about time they showed it. Some bits of it are on the Buzzcocks DVD and it looks like a good episode.

He who never makes a mistake, never makes a discovery


Yeah it needs to be shown.

"Frankenstein was creator,not the monster.A common misconception held by all truly stupid people"


I hadn't realised that that episode was an unaired repeat. I thought it was new! I was just starting to celebrate the return of Simon Amstell. *beep*

"Bow down before the one you serve, you're gonna get what you deserve."
