Moesha likable?

How is Moesha even likable? I been re-watching reruns on GMC Channel lately. She isn't likable at all....she is always in others business and always jumps to conclusions. Even Hakeem calls her out on this by telling her to mind her business for once.



Yes, one episode that comes to mind was when she caused a big ruckus over that painting that guy painted in the cafeteria. I mean come on it's a predominantly black high school that they went to. She didn't need to remind everyone about black culture. It was just a painting. She was always on her high horse and being nosey.

Oh, another one that episode she found out that kid at her school was living in his car. She was all in his business


Even when I was younger, I never liked the character. I love the show, but Moesha was always so stuck up.

"I have a life. And it only moves in one direction. Forward." -Don Draper


I don't think Moesha was stuck up. A lot of kids think they know it all and she definitely grew as a young woman when the show progressed.

Kiara FTW!


^ I agree. I didn't think she was stuck up just always on a high horse and kinda a know it all. And always in other's business


I never thought she was stuck up maybe a little nosey. Like the episode when the french exchange student came to stay with the Mitchell family everybody (who had talent) wanted to do that stooopid song "hes a player". And Mo' wanted well decided she was going to be apart of the group talent or not. Then she wanted to adjust the song and music, then later on became CPQ's manager. Maybe pigheaded and stubborn not really stuck up.


I liked her better later on then in the beginning when she came across as kind of a Mary Sue type character.

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I think she got worst in the end. She was very sarcastic once she went to college. Honestly, I wouldn't have wanted to date a girl like Moesha, even though as a kid I used to think she was fine, but she was too goody, and thought the world revolved around her. Reminds me of my neighbor.

My job is to inform, not persuade- Dan Rather


well if u dont like the main character that defeats the purpose of u watching the show


I disagree. I loved Moesha as a kid but I hated Moesha as a character. She was so pretentious and thought she was wiser and better than anyone. But, the supporting cast was much more entertaining. I found Hakeem a funny character (although I hated it when him and Moesha became a couple because he got whiny at the point plus I always felt their relationship was forced). I thought Kim and Niecy were funny (although they wouldn't be my friends in real life) and hell I really liked Dee. I don't know why I liked her so much but I did.

The show itself was great but I feel it was the supporting cast that made the show, not Moesha as a character.


Moesha is a little saddity, but I think that's a product of her upbringing. Some of her unlikable qualities she shares with Frank.

However, her nosiness and such are simply character flaws, and they're okay because she generally is that way because she when she confronts Hakeem's mom when she thinks she's stopping him from going to college. She was nosy and completely jumping to conclusions, but she only did it because she was looking out for her friend. So character flaws don't bother me because I always know her heart is in the right place when she gets herself into those situations.

With that said, the writing started to freefall in the last two seasons and she became insufferable after the Dorian revelation. She got up on her high horse and her position on certain things were stupid, and she never really got called out. I felt like the plots were being written to frame her point of view as the right one, whereas in the earlier seasons the episodes were written in a way where you could come to your own conclusion on who was right and wrong (if it was even black and white in the first place).

Case in point, the episode with the Mexican American heroes mural in the high school...personally, I think making an exclusionary mural in a predominately black school is absolutely moronic. Maybe Mo should have called it out, maybe she shouldn't have...the episode has an open-ended conclusion simply because there is no real solution or closure to the situation. You're left to make up your own mind.

But in the finale of the fifth season...Mo's ex asks her to be his manager, alone with him for the entire summer, knowing that they both still have feelings for each other, right after she just started a new romance with her best friend and in the middle of delicate family drama...and this heifer actually considers doing it! And if you're like me, and thought she was completely out of her mind, the writers made sure to try to justify her decision by having her walk in on Hakeem and Niecy kissing, which makes ZERO sense as the show has never showed any hint of romantic interest between the two beforehand or developing in the future. That was a sort of "Haha, I'm the writer and it doesn't matter what you think because everything in the universe is going to push Moesha on that plane with Q!"

That was the point when the universe started to bend to Moesha's will.


I don't think so. I mean Elena is the most annoying character ever IMO but I still love The Vampire Diaries

"Just cause you can't beat 'em, don't mean you should join 'em."

Kacey Musgraves


Moesha isn't all that likable as a person, but I love the show. She had redeemable qualities. Very few but they existed.

I'm feeling rough, I'm feeling raw, I'm in the prime of my life.


Oh my word. You know, I was just about to come here and say exactly what you said, and more, starting my own thread.

Late last year, I was talking to someone, lamenting about TV not being like it used to be, and how I missed old TV shows. I mentioned Moesha as one of them. Thing is, until the show came to BET and Centric, I had seen very little of the show. I guess as must have been blinded by Brandy's booty-I mean beauty. She did have a beautiful booty too.

My God, she (Moesha) really makes me sick. She was disrespectful, dishonest, disobedient, self-righteous and snobbish. In the pilot, and for a long time, she treated Dee like dirt, as good as Dee was to all of them. I hated hearing her voice over. Ugh! And she was so disrespectful and disobedient to her father! On more than one occasion she disrespected her friend Kim, belittled her, and acted like she was better than her. When Kim was chosen to be a cheerleader and she wasn't. She got jealous and became really mean to Kim. Again, I would question her friendship with Kim in the episode with Leanne Rimes. Do you remember the things she said to Kim? She lent her friend, Hakeem, 20 dollars, and went off on him when he didn't pay her back on time, not knowing that his mother got layed off. There are many more examples of why I am angry a wish of mine came through.


Great points you make about the character of Moesha. She was definitely quite the handful!


The episode where Hakeem is dating that older woman just came on this weekend. Another example of her being all up in his business. She went out of her way to tell on him


She's very annoying and sometimes not a good friend. I remember when she had the plus size roommate and they went on a double date with Hakeem and his friend. The friend ended up liking her roommate, but Moesha didn't believe it because she was plus size. Hakeem"s friend questioned if Moesha was really her friend.
