worst cancel decision EVER

man this show was awesome, one of my all time favs...


The first season was great. But, when they started messing around witht he cast, it sank quickly. It should've gotten cancelled when it did, but that is only because they had ruined the show.


The first season was great. But, when they started messing around witht he cast, it sank quickly. It should've gotten cancelled when it did, but that is only because they had ruined the show.


This show was good, and its a shame it didn't last. But I don't think it would've lasted anyway, because Schneider would've left soon enough anyway because of his movie career, and he made this show. Without him it would've crumbled.

Obsessed much?



This show was truly amazing. I bought the dvd and watch the first disc of episodes already. Consider that this show was in it's infant stages. This show wwould've only gotten better. Watch some of the all time classic shows in their first seasons....like Seinfeld....Sienfeld was no where near as funny in it's first season....but the Network stuck with it.

I don't know if you have watched Rules of Engagement. The show reminds me some of Men Behaving Badly.....David Spades character is similar to Jamie. Give it a try if you haven't yet.



AGREED 100%!!!!!!!

Thank God for DVDS.....

"Empire Records, open 'til midnight".
