alternate versions

On the alternate versions page it mentions that different DVD editions have different versions of the pilot episode. I know that one DVD cover has a short-eared bat-face and the other has a long-eared bat face. Which DVD has the original version of the pilot episode?


I have both dvd versions of the series and I don't notice any difference in the covers. When I purchased the first set of dvd's it was right after they came out. And I got the alternate pilot (ISBN 0-7820-1130-6). It took a while for me to find the other copy. I think it had a different ISBN number. But I can't be sure. And my original pilot dvd version doesn't have any ISBN on the cover. I wish I could help more.


Can you give a brief description of how the two versions of the pilot differ? I've only just stumbled onto this post recently, and have been a fan of the show since it originally aired, so this is the first I'm hearing of any alternate versions. Thanks.



Friends, HOLD IT !!!!! Okay, to begin with, I have the aforementioned ISBN#
0-7820-1130-6 which is the supposedly "complete" collection. However, I knew
the first (and only) time I sat down to watch it that this was not an
according-to-Hoyle complete set because the the premiere movie was edited. Now, I
only saw the premiere once previously when it was aired, and I can only swear to a
few missing minutes, but they were important minutes. For the DVD release they
completely excised the introduction of Sascha. Julian arrives in the wine country
for the funeral of his last surviving human grand-child, and lies on and sinks into the
grave of his long-dead wife. After that, everything that happened at the winery
is gone. In the original broadcast version, I remember the mourners being
gathered in a chapel, or maybe in the winery for the service, and there is the
roar of a hog from outside. Pause. The doors creak open, and we get our first
look at Sascha. She's saunters in dressed in Harley leather,
absolutely dripping of sex. She walks up to the casket, reaches in, grabs her grand-
father by the back of the head lifts him up and gives him a deep wet one. After-
ward she speaks with Julian. That's all I remember. So if anyone is wondering
about differences in the versions, I've stated what I personally noted. Also, it
should be stated that I met Brian Thompson (Eddie Fiori) at the San Diego Comic-
con back in... I cant recall, anywhere from '01-'03, and HE did not know that the
disc he signed was different from the aired version until I told him. He said he
would have to talk to Aaron Spelling about that when he had the chance. Did he?
I dont know. Now for the REALLY IMPORTANT BIT... I've just checked,
and they have BOTH covers on their web-site. The slender-eared AND the wide-eared
versions. And according to Amazon, they are BOTH the same thing internally. So, if someone who has the WIDE-EARED cover version could check your first disc, and
see if the premier movie has the introduction of Sascha, I for one would deeply
appreciate it. Thanks all. CKB, Saint Louis, Mo.


I haven't seen the different covers but I can tell you my version has everything you described about the Sascha scene. There is no ISBN# but the upc code is 0-17153-12155-1. It also has the number 12155 above the code and on the spine. On the back cover in the bottom left corner, it does say "not rated" and above the chapter list it says "Approx Feature Running Time: 377min". Hope this helps.


Hey, I looked at the amazon site and as it turns out...There may be a 3rd version! The one I have is different from both that were on Amazon. These are the backsides of the boxes that are on amazon:



As you can see, the UPC codes are identical and so is the VPC (vendor product code) which is also the last few numbers of the UPC. These versions are likely identical inside but with a different artwork on the cover.

Here is my version:



The UPC is different. The VPC is 12155 and is the last few numbers of the UPC. This number is also on the spine. I got my version about 4 years ago at Best Buy, though it appears to be out of print now.

This is the only info I could find. Hope this helps.


Friends, Okay, here we go !!!! I've just received a version of K:TE that I
won on e-bay. It has a different product # from my original version, and DOES
have the previously excised introduction to Sascha. The original CUT version has the full # 17153-10378. The AS FAR AS I CAN TELL RIGHT NOW COMPLETE VERSION has the # 17153-12155. The full numbers can be found on the back of the package, upper right hand corner, directly beneath the UPC scan-bars. Also the last 5 digits of the number can be found on the spine of the package. If you see a 12155, that is the one to get at this point. The 10378 is the one to avoid. I will be comparing these side by side (laptop & desktop together) for posteritys sake in the near future. However, I will state now and for the record that although I saw a LOT of K:TE sets on e-bay, THIS was the only one that the seller noted the product/item #, which is why I bid on it (thanks for the heads-up on the number signothorn). Also, the package I've just received has the slender-eared bat on the cover. Will get back to you all when I have reason to post.



Thanks for the tip ! really helpful !


I have not seen the one where it does the introduction of Sasha from what you have described. The first scene of when most of us, I'm sure of is when Julian picks her up from jail. Is the one that you have with her introduction from US? Or is it another region? Apart from her introduction is this the only scene that was left out of the rest of the show? And is there a site where we can watch that part?

Thanks! :)
»-{*~The Vampire Queen, Brittany~*}-«


I have the 12155 version (Unaired pilot), with thin bat ears on the cover.

Does ANYONE have this version with fat ears?

What about the 10378 version (cut pilot)? Are those all with the fat ears? Does anyone have one with the thin ears?
