why did Archon die?

I've never understood why Archon died. It seemed like he was ill or dieing of old age? Are they not immortal?


Sorry i should rephrase that. I know he got shot and died but before that he was dying of something. Was it of old age. Are they not immortal?


If you're talking about the scene where he was talking to Daedalus, he was feeling Julian dying. He wasn't dying.


No, just in other episodes, sorry not sure exactly which one, but he refers to his time is nearly up, as though he is about to die, looks like from old age or something?


I think he sensed that Cameron was after him and that he was ready to pay for what he had done to the Brujah.

Old age doesn't have anything to do with it. Eventually even immortals die. They just have more control over it than we do.



don't long lived creatures in some lore, have the ability to sense that their time is almost up?

i think that's what archon was sensing. nothing specific but he knew something was just around the corner. at a guess i'd think he'd assume it was a war between clans.


No, it was related to the Vampire: The Masquerade's lore, the game this series was based on, Archon was Julian's sire, in the episode 4, he wanted to stop siring Julian, because he felt he was ready, apart from the reason, in a deleted scene from that episode 4, Archon said: "I've travelled for centuries to reach the world of light, but it's hard... to reach total release... Julian replies: "To be freed of the Beast!".

Within VTM's lore, Archon was trying to find the Golconda, which is said among the Kindred, it's a mystical state and very hard to achieve, where they can live in communion with the Beast, the Beast is a kind of inner demon, metaphorically speaking, which always tries to take total control to turn them into mindless monsters, who'll prey on everybody without any kind of control and remorse.

In KTE they use the word Frenzy to mean they won't control themselves and they'll act recklessly, in VTM when vampires frenzy they lose all the control of their actions for an X amount of time, that's when the Beast takes over. Now, if a vampire loses all his humanity, like that guy in that same episode 4, he completely becomes in a mindless creature and then he finds the Final Death sooner than later at the hands of somebody, as it happens in that episode. Side note: There are other Paths, some reject any kind of human morality, others adopt completely the Beast, keeping their humanity's not the only Path.

About Sires, there are others who abandon their Childer after the Embrace and then they become in Caitiff, clanless vampires, in KTE they're only referred as Clanless, in the episode 3 that happens. Now if a Caitiff is received by another Clan or Sire (they're usually rejected by the Kindred society, they're considered as part of a broken legacy), that Caitiff starts to develop the characteristics of that bloodline, in episode 5, Zane (the Toreador), Lillie's Childe, embraced different girls and then he abandoned them, the blonde one was later received by Julian and he acted as he was adopting her. The advantage of being a Caitiff, it's they don't inherit the Clan weaknesses, e.g. the appearance of a Nosferatu, but as their knowledge about vampires came from dime novels, plus the Kindred are superstitious beings by nature, they start to think that garlic's and other traditional weaknesses affect them.

Now, as you can see, that deleted scene could've offered more depth to the lore and more meaning to other things that happened in the series, sadly, they deleted it.


No, it was because he wanted to find the Golconda, a mystical state, where vampires leave in communion with the Beast, my other comment here details more about that and other things of the series.

Now, in the case of this series and Vampire: The Masquerade, Kindred: The Embraced was based on it, vampires don't get the Final Death, unless they received enough damage, like a human, a beating could kill somebody, where others could resist 9 bullets, 50 Cent for example, haha, or those cases where an object went through their brains, but they managed to survive.

Even after a vampire was completely injured, it'll just go into Torpor, a state of deep slumber, where they can stay in that way from hours to centuries, depending of what provoked it and its Generation, if it was a lot of damage, that could take a long time, the lack of blood can provoke it, too, (if a vampire has existed for centuries, he can only feed on other vampires, human and animal blood no longer work for them) some go voluntarily into Torpor by different reasons, because they're tired of their existence or the era where they exist, etc. so, they can awake in a different era.

By the way, Caine, the one from the biblical story of Cain and Abel, it's the first vampire in this lore (he added the E to his name after he killed his brother), he was cursed by God to wander the Earth for all the eternity, so, yeah, he's immortal and he can't die or get killed.


It was in the episode 4, Romeo And Juliet, Julian wanted to confirm if Archon, his Sire, was getting ready to leave, in the sense of leaving a place and moving somewhere else, Archon responded "soon", before that, Archon was with his eyes closed and with one finger over his forehead, that made you believe he was dying or sick, but no, he was thoughtful and concerned about "things".

In a deleted scene, he explains he travelled for centuries trying to free himself from the Beast, something that every Kindred has inside and strives for control, that's the vampire instincts, in other words the beast within. You can read my other comments on this thread to get more info about it.
