MovieChat Forums > Iron Man (1994) Discussion > Help with other Marvel Cartoon

Help with other Marvel Cartoon

I remember there being a Avengers TV show, not sure if it was the Avengers West Coast or the regular Avengers. I tried to look on here with both of those titles and got a bunch of results that did not match. Have I errored in my search? Or did this show not exist?


"Iron Man" featured Avengers / Force Works members Scarlet Witch, Spider Woman, Hawkeye and War Machine. Then, in 1999, there was The Avengers: United They Stand, which had mostly WCA's, little Iron Man or Cap, and no Thor. For more info Check and


Then, in 1999, there was The Avengers: United They Stand, which had mostly WCA's, little Iron Man or Cap, and no Thor.

If my memory is correct, only Captain America appeared. I believe Iron Man and Thor only appeared in the opening theme at the very end, but I don't remember Iron Man actually being in an episode. I could be wrong, but I'm just going by memory. Of the Marvel cartoons of the '90s, I didn't care for this very much. There is supposed to be an Avengers cartoon coming out in 2011 to coincide with the live-action, big screen movie. This new show is going to have the REAL Avengers...Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor, etc.
