Distant Boundaries?

Is this the episode with Crimson Dynamo and Dark Aegis? Hate that the episode was canned after it's first showing. This show really need's a dvd box set with
The Avengers for a companion set.


This episode has Dark Aegis (rumored to be Thanos's brother), but the other armored guy was Titanium Man. Crimson Dynamo appeared in "Not Far From The Tree" and "The Armor Wars, Part 1"


why was it cancelled? i have all the eps on vhs !!!



why was it canned after first showing? not here where I live; it was on Fox a few times ! why? because Dark Ageis wiped out a planet? POOR Sensors could noyt handle it I guess or the kids could not HaHa LOL


WHY Is Dark Ageis NOT in a book I just bought at Borders about Iron Man? The Boom is called- Iron Man The Ultimate Guide to Armored SuperHero ?
