Is this show ever coming out in a DVD collection? I used to love this show when it was still on air, I'd love to buy the complete set!

"Most people will never know anything beyond what they see with their own two eyes."



Well, the other half of the Marvel Action Hour ("The Fantastic Four") has just been released to promote the new film, so we'll probably have to wait for the Iron Man movie.

"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."


Makes sense. They should've released the '66 cartoons with FF, too. Maybe for the sequel.

"The past is a ghost that haunts you from the moment it exists until the moment you don't."


Considering that the box set for the '60s Spider-Man cartoon didn't appear until the release of Spider-Man II; you my have it right on for this series as well!


I wish they'd hurry up and finish that damn movie already. I want this TV series!


I just send an e-mail to Buena Vista Entertainment yesterday requesting if they would do a box set of the entire series, as they already done for The Fantastic Four (the other half of the Action Hour). Tonight they sent me an automative response that they will respond to it as soon as possible.

I believe they are waiting to get closer to the release of the Iron Man movie and then use the DVD as a marketing toop to build up an audience. Marvel was having such a great run of animated projects, but suddenly they went Bankrupt and put it all to the wayside.

Would have been great if the short-lived Silver Surfer show could have continued for at least one more season; and the Captain America show could have seen the light of day!

I think cartoons are a great way to build up recognition for Comic Book characters!


I too would love to see this series on DVD, it was fantastic!




Right now, the Iron Man DVD box set is only available in England. You can get it from Amazon.co.uk; however, it is region 2, so you would need a region-free DVD player to watch it.


Untill the DVD's are released stateside, here is a link to get the entire series.....



I have both seasons on dvd; I got it from Toys R Us Store


i think its out on the 8th of oct in the uk from play.com


Buena Vista Home Video/Disney should release this on a complete series set to promote the Iron Man movie. Just like they did with the Fantastic Four series when their movie came out.


If anyone is interested in this series on dvd shoot me a pm./


well there is DVDavenue.com which claims to have the entire series of IRon man on DVD for sale but the DVD is region free and their price is $48.99 I could give it a try but there is no guarantee if the dvd would work on my dvd player.


Sorry my mistake it was dvdavenue.tv that is the website


play.com or amazon uk ebay uk have the full box sets
