Favorite part

What's your favorite part of this story?

I prefer part 3, second is part 4.


whinnum and yahoo-very powerful critique of society and its pomposity!


"whinnum and yahoo-very powerful critique of society and its pomposity!"

Agree!!!!....I did not know of this part of "GT", and I believe I watched this whole part with my "jaw on the floor". I need to try to read the book again...

But actually I think my favorite part was the dialogue of the very stupid prince...."That is if I knew anything....."

"No, you can't go back to Constantinople
Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople"


Glad u agree!,Jonathon swift'stake on barbarism,greed,lust,pride,modesty etc is inspired!.The feeling of isolation and the implied lunacy gulliver was accused of are still a damning critique of mainstream thinking all these hundreds of years after it was written. Amazes me that people can rant and rave over contemporary stuff like starwars and lord of the rings when compared to this piece printed as long ago as the 1726 Motte editions-brilliant and inspired interpretation ch4 created in 1996-sheer brilliance,compares so well with the book- a rare experience indeed


I am assuming that, as this part was devoid of the jocularity found throughout the other parts, that this was done for that effect. It did have that effect on me. Slam-dunk....I don't know when I was so moved my a film.

My familiarity of trying to read this book years ago, I do not remember any of the wife-son-doctor stuff, (as discussed in another thread here) which I really did like. (this happens all the time with me, it isn't that I didn't like it....I started Anna Karenina about a dozen times before I finaly finished it...)

"No, you can't go back to Constantinople
Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople"


Well, my favourite part is definitely when Gulliver is at the Academy, so I guess that is part 3.

Just to clear some stuff up - in the book he actually returns to England between each "part", returning to his wife and two children each time. Dr. Bates was in fact Gulliver's early partner, another surgeon, who is described basically to be a good man, so he has been a little misrepresented.

That's basically what I remember, please correct me if I have gotten mixed up :D


Yes I am reading it right now....the first part went quick, but am "bogged" down on the second part....The Queen's contempt is actually the Kings (as you know). I do think more of the movie by reading the book....

"Albania's hard to rhyme."


My favourite part is on the flying island of Laputa.

1st Intellectual: Tell me, what do you make of the sun's health?
Gulliver: Um...It was fine the last time I looked.
2nd Intellectual: What about the spots?

I liked that the servants had to whack the intellectuals with a bladder on a stick to rouse them from their deep thoughts. Also that the Prince was supposed to be really dumb and that he was actually the smartest one of them all.

Great stuff. I love this adaptation. I have it on DVD and watch it a lot.

"He murders his wife every night. Other than that, I think he's pretty harmless."

