*Spoilers* Is this it?

Is this the movie where he's on trial at the end.And he keeps telling them about the other world.They don't believe him and sentence him guilty.And just as its about to finish one of the little guys come out of his pocket and his innocence is proven?And then everyone cheers.


This one is a little different....but along the same lines.

"No, you can't go back to Constantinople
Now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople"


Yes, it's a similar ending. Basically, he's about to be declared insane and locked up forever when something happens that proves absolutely that Gulliver has been telling the truth and he's free to go home to Mary and Tom.

"He murders his wife every night. Other than that, I think he's pretty harmless."


It's been a few years, but nobody mentioned that it was actually a tiny goat from Lilliput that proves his story true. Gulliver's son finds the tiny goat and brings it into the court and puts it on the table for all to see.

Yes, this is it.

It's a threesome if you use both hands.


just so you all know...
it was a small sheep from the town of liluput.
not a person, or a goat
