Did any of you notice, that in season one Goliath (when turned human) was black, but in a second time during the Goliath chronicles he is white? What gives here? Anyway this was the worst season ever. Way to screw up a good thing Disney, if you had dumped this season in the trash Gargoyles may still be around today.






Yeah, that was too bad. Goliath was so much better looking as a human in "The Mirror" than in Goliath Chronicles.

Still, I'd rather watch Goliath Chronicles than Goof Troop, and especially The Little Mermaid series, so I'd rate it 6 or 7 out of 10.


In City Of Stone, the actual people were actually transformed... So Goliath's 'blackness' (both in gargoyle and human sense) was an innate part of him already there.

In The Goliath Chronicles, it was an illusion created by Titania. Maybe she doesn't know about his 'blackness'. Maybe she was showing him an idealized potential future, and maybe white privilege works toward that end. Maybe she just didn't know. The important thing was that it was only a hallucination in The Goliath Chronicles, but it was the real thing in City Of Stone.

So I don't really view it as a conflict.

Fascinating observation, though. I hadn't quite caught that. 20 years between my viewings :)



Human Goliath in Season 1 didn't really look all that black to me. Frankly, he came off more Native American than anything else in my eyes.

I'm Laura Bertram's husband in another universe.
