Jewel Staite

Didn't Jewel Staite star in this show with Ben Foster? Why isn't she credited? It's also not on her page either.


Yeah, she did. Sometimes IMDB's information sucks, though.

The glories of nature. What are men compared to rocks and mountains?


It IS in her credits on her page NOW (October first, 2008). ^_^
(I know, because I followed the link from there to get here. ^_^
Actually, I'm here because last Friday I saw her name in the opening credits of Stargate Atlantis and I was trying to remember which show I used to see her in on the Disney Channel about a decade ago [I remembered her name, but totally forgot which show she was in...weird, huh? ^_~]. [She was in more than one, but this was the main one I used to like a lot that she was in. Becca and Tucker were my two favorites in it. ^_^ (I also like other Beccas in other [old/oldish ^_~] shows...Life Goes On and Full House...and my real-life name is Rebecca [no, I do not usually share that info online in public, but, it is not as if a million people were going to come to this board any time soon!!! ^_~].)])

Note to anyone who's upset/frustrated/whatever about missing credits and other missing info at IMDb: There's a form you can fill out to ask IMDb to add or to change something. ^_^ Like when they get people's names and/or birthdays wrong, and other junk like that...just go fill out the form. ^_^

IMDb actually does have a fairly good record of including most of the important info most of the time...but, of course, nobody is perfick (there's a book called that...Nobody Is Perfick ^_~).

Wikipedia says that Jewel Staite played Becca Fisher in Flash Forward. ^_^



Yes, she IS in the credits...just go to that ultra-short (three-people-only!)
so-called credits list, and click where it says "more", for full cast and crew. ^_^
(Wow, I never knew that Rachel Blanchard [Cher in the TV series version of Clueless] was in this too! ^_^)
(The only thing I don't get is why it says "unknown episodes" for Jewel should probably say "17 episodes", the same as for Ben Foster. As far as I know, she was in all the same episodes he was in.)



i seen her on flash then i seen her on nick's space cases and then firefly lol
