Why I Don't Like "The Mentor"

First of all, it was at the end of the eighth season. The cast were not yet sure if they would be returning for another, as Ray Romano had made it clear that he really didnt want to continue doing the show. The monetary compensation from the network is what surely convinced him to stick around for one more season (he WAS getting paid $2 million per episode after all) where they were at least able to tie up a few loose ends that the series had accumulated. But that's not really the issue here.

The fact of the matter is that this mediocre episode was done in a blatant attempt on the part of the writers to "humanize" Frank. And in my opinion, it was too little, too late. Some guy comes outta nowhere and claims that Frank was a "mentor" to him at his job thirty years before. And the fact that Frank never told ANYONE about him, not even Marie, well, that just seems a little bit TOO convienent for my liking. And obviously Ray and Robert cant believe that this is actually happening, as Frank was a "dreadful goon" to both of them their whole lives, and they can't possiblt comprehend that he could ever have been an inspiration to anyone about anything. But then, the twist ending happens. The guy turns out to be an easily manipulated weak-willed wimp and does something about what happened at his business only because Frank "encouraged" him to do so. Namely, by talking tough to him in his signature way, the same way he did with his sons their whole lives. And it turns out that this little wimpy guy actually LIKES being spoken to in that way, and he actually LIKED it when Frank spoke harshly to him about things and didn't just sugarcoat everything, like his own father had done with him growing up. Well, what a surprise that was. It's not like we didn't all see that coming, right? That's how predictable Frank, not to mention every other character on this show, had become by the end. You know what I'm saying?

And one other thing about this episode I didn't like. The usage of the word "queer". Now, exactly what did Ray mean by that when he said that that's what Amy was? And exactly why did Robert agree with him about that? And then why did Debra have to call Amy that at the very end? Granted, Debra was pissed off that Marie had laughed out loud about her food earlier, but still. Couldn't they have picked a different word to express their frustration? I think they could have.

And yeah, the show got one more season, which, like I said before, Ray Romano originally didnt want to do. Then CBS had a giant truck of money driven up to his house, and he relented. I'm pretty sure that's what happened. And it happens all the time in Hollywood.

"The Mentor" was probably one of the lamest and weakest eps of the series overall. At least, that's how I feel.


Dude, you really got a hard on for a fictional tv show character. You're starting to blur the lines between Ray Barrone and Ray Romano. Even in a Frank-centric episode, all you can talk about is Ray and your laundry list of what makes him the only *beep* human on tv. It's really gonna be fine, he's seems to be not so *beep* in real life. Go to your happy place and mellow out, take a break, whatever. Life is too short to type 4-5 separate dissertations a day about a fictional character.


If you don't like it then don't waste time with it. Life's short, enjoy it.

<“Every man of courage is a man of his word.” - Pierre Corneille>


Is there anything you actually like about this show?


why would a guy need to tell his family about some kid he worked with when he was still working?

would be hardly very relevant to bring up and especially considering more so the type of person the frank barone character was.


Honey, I posted on both the Liked and Hated ELR episodes on here a while ago. I don't need to explain myself and my opinions to the likes of you. Who the hell do you think you are, anyway? I really don't have time for this crap. Piss off!
