MovieChat Forums > Everybody Loves Raymond (1996) Discussion > This Show's General Message: Marriage Is...

This Show's General Message: Marriage Is Bad.

Seriously, Phil Rosenthal clearly hates being married so back in the 90s he created a show with characters that had absolutely miserable marriages but stayed together anyway, because if they didnt, it would have violated the basic premise of the show. Namely, that marriage is bad and evil and nobody in their right mind would ever do it. And clearly, nobody on this show is in their right mind. It's funny cuz it's true. And I cant believe that Monica has stayed with him for all that time. Because of lot of what happened in their marriage was put in the show to happen between R & D and F & M. Truth is stranger than fiction, after all. I myself have no desire to ever get married to anyone. And that is my business. And I will not be judged for it, either. It isn't necessary. For nine years Phil and Ray clearly believed that couples in absolutely miserable marriages yelling and screaming at each other was funny and made for entertaining television. Now that I'm older I can say that, in hindsight, it wasn't really all that funny. And I'm willing to bet that a lot of you out there feel the same way. How could you not? You know what I mean?


I will miss your rants.


If you geniunely mean that, much appreciated. If you are being sarcastic, piss off. And yes, Phil Rosenthal obviously hates being married and he clearly hates marriage in general. He took every opportunity he could to show the world why being married was bad and that you'd have to be crazy to ever want to be married to anyone. After nine seasons of ELR where everyone who was married was insane and absolutely miserable, you'd have to be BLIND not to realize that. He is a sad, strange little big-nosed crazy-eyed man. And he has my pity. Farewell. *makes V sign with hand*


What are you gonna do with your life now, when you can't come on this message board and complain about fictional characters anymore?

I love that imdb is closing the message boards, now I don't have to hear your opinions made into facts in your disturbed little head.

It was a sitcom, a great one at that. Everybody loves Raymond


I was thinking that same thing.. his life revolves around continuously watching shows he hates, then logging online with a laundry list of complaints.

rinse, repeat.

I have no idea what he's gonna do with his time now.

Welcome to the El Flamingo, Jeffrey!
Don't piss in the pool, Jeffrey.


Exactly, and the sad thing is that he is not the only one, on the imdb boards. Some boards is really toxic, where people come in and attack cast and crew, because they think they are entitled. And it has become increasingly worse over the years. I wouldn't watch a show if it really made me that mad, and fire off rants against it, and people who doesn't agree with him.

Hopefully he will mellow out and grow up. Or more likely find another board.

I am glad to see that this board isn't overrun with people like this, I find some of the discussions on here really interesting, and bashing of the creative minds behind the show and characters, many still know and love


I am glad to see that this board isn't overrun with people like this, I find some of the discussions on here really interesting, and NOT a bashing of the creative minds behind the show and characters, many still know and love


Wouldn't go that far. There's a lot of bickering on this show, but it's just realism for the most part.
