Pat's Secret

I don't think there is an episode that makes my blood boil more than this one. It's just horrible, and the writers couldn't help themselves with piling on the shame and humiliation on Robert. Again.

I know. I know, this the show's formula and premise-everyone just loves the weasely, whiny, useless Raymond.

It's sad really that Robert has to fight for attention, and sympathy from everyone, not just his mother.

I wish there had been an episode akeen to "Crazy Chin" thay focused more on Marie and her decision/reason to devote all her love and attention on Ray.


You're absolutely right. But to be fair (now that this forum is coming to an end and at this point I'm pretty much burned out on ranting and bitching about how much I hate this show and it's stupid characters) Marie did *sometimes* show that she loved Robert. Like "The Suit" for example. She sabotaged his job interview with the FBI because she "cared about him so much", LOL. And in all the episodes where she wanted him to be with somebody that made him happy (which turned out to be Amy, the woman that Marie always liked anyway) and that might give her more grandchildren. I have to say that after re-watching the entire series over again, no main character on this show was actually 100% evil or unlikable. They made me laugh. At times they made me rage too, but I got over that. Life's too short, anyway. That's pretty much it. Oh, and like I said before, I loved how Pat stood up to Hank and told him that if she didnt have her cigarettes she would have to fight him. I always liked that part!


Wow, for the first time ever, I agree with everything you said. Well said!


There was such an episode..

Don't be upset! Many of us love the whiny pathetic Robert just as much as the whiny pathetic Raymond! :) lol



I hate the way Robert was treated.


Definitely one of the worst episodes of this awful show.


It's actually one of my more favorite episodes.

That the characters often treat each other poorly is/was a running joke of this show throughout its life, and so I put such concerns aside and focus on the comedy.

- The normally mousy and demure Pat smoking. Talking with the cigarette bobbing up and down in her mouth, readily whipping out her lighter to the horrified members of her family.

- Marie's bawling out Robert just before Pat's "outing" of being a smoker

- Pat and Hank being brutally frank with each other after Hank attempts to bawl out Pat

- The normally stern Hank letting himself go as he enthusiastically describes blowing off fireworks.

The episode always has my laughing heartily.


It's pretty common that the baby of the family gets more--- of most everything--- There's a hierarchy in every family line

In my family it went --- My brother 1st born, Baby sister(last born) (they kind of shared that)
1st born sister,
2nd born -- Me
Growing up I seldom relied on family, Thought they were always important to me


This is actually my favorite episode of season 9. A lot of funny lines, and I love how Ray stands up for Robert.
