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This Friday on 'Dark Skies' ep 12: 'The Enemy Within'

AIRED: 1/11/97

From (OK, I swear, this is the summary I found there, and the synopsis is promising to be better than the episode itself. Well, at least it's crazier...)

"Following the deaths of both President Kennedy and his assassin, Bach realizes that the alien hive has planted a spy inside Majestic - and all the evidence points to his trusted aide, Jim Steele. However, Steele escapes..."

(Whaaaaat???!!! Steele *may* be a mole? OMG! I might not have seen that one coming if I wasn't suffering from "deja vu all over again." Come on, that can't be right. Either they posted the wrong summary or there's more to this story than meets the eye. Or the writers had Alzheimer's. OK, the next bit sounds like a rehash of the wedding story:)

"Meanwhile, Loengard and Sayers return to John's childhood home in California, where an uneasy reception revives long-standing tensions..."


Eric Close ... John Loengard

Megan Ward ... Kimberly Sayers

J.T. Walsh ... Capt. Frank Bach

Dorie Barton ... Lucy 'Luce' Loengard

Tim Kelleher ... Jim Steele

Kent McCord ... Dick Loengard

Joan McMurtrey ... Jo Loengard

Sean O'Bryan ... Ray Loengard

Conor O'Farrell ... Lt. Commander Phil Albano

Terry Bozeman ... Robert Goodwin

Tim Choate ... Jeff Gale

Mike Kennedy ... Allen Dulles

Ed Beechner ... Deputy

Annie O'Donnell ... Waitress

Don Pugsley ... Earl Jarvis

Tyler Inloes ... Young Ray

Anthony Medwetz ... Young Loengard

Terry Woodberry ... Cooper


A bit of a step up this week, but considering where it was last week, it would have been hard not to step up. You'll recall I thought (hoped, actually) that last week's episode was John's counterpart to Kim's wedding episode. Nope, this was it. OK, they both have a family "history". Can we move on now, please?

Random thoughts:

• Thank you for showing your ID, sir. I'll just ignore the guy with the gun in the back seat and let you through. ... What! You say Steele escaped? I saw nothing! Nothing!

• We don't allow guns in this house, but I have a rifle and am willing and able to aim right past my son, missing him by inches, to take out the bad guy with one shot. Come to think of it, maybe I shouldn't have a gun.

• OK, Miss, you've come to visit a mental patient who was committed because he threatened someone with deadly weapon, so I'll just lock you in a room with him and walk away. If you need me, I'll be calling my twin brother who works security at a super-secret organization in Washington.

• Gentlemen, Loengard is in a hospital in California and we have to pick him up. Get a detail out there to completely surround the hospital, but whatever you do, don't go near Loengard's car. Stay at least 100 feet back and wait for him to come out. Then don't make your move until he gets in the car and starts to drive away. Sgt. Schultz here will fill you in on the details.

• I can't fit through this ventilation duct, so I'll just casually reach over and dislocate my shoulder. Never mind that I'm not using any leverage, so the force that can dislocate my right shoulder should be enough to do a number on my left wrist, elbow, shoulder, etc. And crawling through with a dislocated shoulder won't be a problem because by the time I reach the other end, it will have healed as good as new. Just like the bullet wound that healed itself. Come to think of it, why is my left eye the only part of me that is not impervious to damage?

• Is this Dark Skies or Halloween? This guy has been "killed" more times and in more ways than they ever thought of doing to Michael Myers, and just shrugs it off.


by - dtmuller on Sat May 18 2013 06:38:24
• Come to think of it, why is my left eye the only part of me that is not impervious to damage?

To be totally fair, even his left eye was miraculously cured at some point, if you observe it.

• Is this Dark Skies or Halloween? This guy has been "killed" more times and in more ways than they ever thought of doing to Michael Myers, and just shrugs it off.



OK, the episode begins with Random Dude camping. Giant vacuum cleaner sucks Random Dude's tent. A spaceship is seen hovering. Gray Alien approaches Random Dude:
Gray Alien: "Have you heard the word of our Lord and Savior, the Holly Hive?"
Random Dude: "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

OK, the problem with that opening scene, is actually two problems, I mean, you can see it from two ways and it doesn't work either way. I won't even mention the use of in-your-face, alien puppets, so there's no shadow of a doubt IT'S A FREAKING ALIEN and there's no mystery there whatsoever. I mean, I got past that. The problem is that either you later remember Random Dude = Ray Loengard, or you don't don't. In my case, I didn't, so the scene was pointless. "But you were not paying attention, it's not their fault," you're gonna say. OK, so if you do remember it was Ray, then it's precisely when the scene doesn't work, because the best part of the episode was finding out Ray was implanted. When Ray starts talking to John referring to himself in the third person, and John started asking him apparently senseless questions, and Ray kept answering them like everything was OK, that was one of the creepiest (though subtle, and the show doesn't do subtle well) scenes of the show so far.

And speaking of subtlety and aliens, for that you should watch The X-Files, because it took ages for us to be sure Mulder was really right and aliens were real. Dark Skies tried to be just like The X-Files, but is that particular, went in a opposite direction. And it's not really working, unless a new mystery was added.

I'd say the main problem of the show at this juncture is that it has no goal whatsoever. John and Kim should have a goal, like "find the golden orb," "find the missing scientist that can destroy the hive for good," "find the hive's nest where it can be destroyed and the invasion can be thwarted." There's no such thing. John and Kim are just reacting, and Kennedy is willing to wait four years (!) to even think of doing something.

Instead, John and Kim are reacting to incidental events. "My sister is getting married, we should go there." "My parents have some bank bonus in my name, we should go cash them." "My friend Hewey died and we should go pay our respects." "Hey, I found these poker chips in Steele's pocket. Let's go to Vegas, it's not like we have something better to do anyway." "Next let's go to Miami just because."

Before I go on, a couple quips just because i feel like it:

- Steele: "Touch the ball of light, Ray. When you touch it, you'll be a part of us. And as it is our tradition, Ray Loengard, you'll be given an alien name. From now on you'll be known as DEATH RAY!!!" OK, that was weak.

- Now, will someone please touch that damned ball of light? Somebody please! Nobody wants to touch it! It's getting on my nerves. Now even I want to touch it! (But I got the impression that when John pushed Ray to the ground, John pushed him INTO the light. Well, it's hard to tell the perspective of an object added in a poor CGI effect of the 1990s.

OK, this is what Dark Skies does well (sorta): alien conspiracies, retconned history, realizing someone close to you is implanted.

This is what Dark Skies definitely doesn't do well (among other things): developing a character with a touching story for us to care about them. In modern story telling writers have learned to present characters several episodes before, making them interesting, and THEN killing them. "The Enemy Within" was a step up from "The Last Wave," as last episode we only saw Hewey having a tantrum and dying, and here we had a whole episode dedicated to Ray and an attempt to build a character background. But the problem is that Ray turned out to be an annoying character, pretty much like the marine biologist/life guard we saw last week, and I wasn't even a little fazed when he died.

In conclusion: Dark Skies better keep showing things of the 1960s, alien conspiracies, close friends suddenly implanted, rewritten history, and that's it. No more sob stories, please, unless they learn to do them well.

By the way, I liked John's dad. I would've felt bad if he had died, so they should've killed him. But if someone close to you came and said they were being chased by aliens/time travelers/vampires/elves, OK, of course you wouldn't believe them. But if they told you that in a rational tone of voice, and seemed in complete possession of their mental faculties, wouldn't you at least give them the benefit of the doubt? Not that you would believe them, but obviously something strange would be going on. Would calling the loony bin be your very first option?

The scene at Majestic headquarters left me thinking, it's quite inconvenient when you have huge facilities (with countless floors, bathrooms, ventilation shafts, empty offices, so many nooks and crannies), and not enough manpower to even go look at all of them. I mean, if your team consists of six or seven people, and you work in a 25-floor building, chances are whoever escapes will find plenty of places where to hide and go unnoticed.

Oh, well, at least the episode ended promising something for next week: the Attorney General wants to talk to John and Kim. Not much to hold on to, but, what the heck, at this point, any new plot-related incident is better than none.

This one gets six problematic siblings.


This Friday on “Dark Skies” ep 11: “The Last Wave'

One Adam 12, One Adam 12 see the man…… Glad to see Officer Reed retire from the LAPD raise a family and grow beans. Who would have thought he would be John’s Father. Officer Reed was my favorite part of this show the writers are losing me every week it’s more of the same. Steele running wild, MJ12, and the Hive on the tail of John and Kim. Got to believe if the Aliens wanted them they could use their ship and pick them up and drop them on the Moon. What’s the goal of the show have the writers already given up nothing new to feed my interest? I had high hopes for this series but it’s becoming clear to me why I never heard of this show when it was on network TV. More conspiracy or re-writing of history to keep me interested. On well at least were more than half way done.


I think I liked the show back in the 1990s because of the premise (I was much more into aliens back then), and because it reminded me of the X-Files, which I wouldn't like so much now, by the way. And because I didn't watch it every week. Memory betrays us.


Memeory really does betray us. I've already mentioned Darkroom, but I've also been watching Mission: Impossible, which I loved in its first few seasons when I was in high school. But now I keep seeing one plot hole after another. Not at all how I remembered it.


Ugh....the only redeeming feature of this episode to me was officer Jim Reed, if only Pete Maloy could have been there, he would have known how to defeat the hive.

what the hell is the deal with the ball of light? They pulled that one out of their ass in the Mississippi episode and won't let it go. Has anyone ever touched that ball of light?

Steele oh Steele, you truly are the man of Steele. Not so much as faster than a speeding bullet, actually just about all the bullets they shoot at you catch you and you don't really so much leap tall buildings with a single bound, you more or less kind of slide up them like a slug but hey, you do seem to survive.

That last scene when Ray was dying on the rocks and old daddy looks at John and says go on son. John says: Dad I'm sorry. I expected dad to reply, thats ok, we didn't like him anyway. Dad took it all surprisingly calm for someone who just saw his first born son blown away.

I also liked the look John gives dad when the bug crawls out of Ray, kinda like, I told you he was infected you sob.

And finally, when pop takes son to the bank where the cops are waiting to take him away Kim can you do that to your own son? Pop looks at her and I half expected him to say....Let's go across the street to ice cream parlor, the man said he would open it up for us.......

There is so much wrong and not much right with this show all in all
I'm going to give this one 2 balls of light on the DS scale. To two's in a row.


Yeah, the ball of light thing is bugging me too. OK, I can buy the notion that the ganglions are some kind of parasite that can infest you and do strange things to your mind. And I like the idea that there is a progression to the the takeover so some victims are fully controlled, but it takes a while to get there, so some are strugging and can still be saved and so forth.

But then we get this ball of light nonsense. Now, at first I thought that might be some type of brainwashing device, but then there's the bit that you have to touch it voluntarily. That doesn't make sense to me. If the ganglion has not yet achieved full control, then you wouldn't touch it voluntarily. But if the ganglion has taken over fully so that you do touch it voluntarily, then what's the point? The Hive already has you.

Maybe we'll get a better explanation somewhere along the line, but I'm not sure I want to. I'd be more interested in knowing more about what part of the human race is not susceptible to being implanted and how the Hive plans to deal with that. And, oh by the way, is there a reason the Hive is trying to take over anyway? Or are they just standard pulp sci-fi aliens who take over planets just because everyone knows that's what aliens do?


As far as what the aliens want.....Who the hell knows, it's probably one of the standard 2 answers........
1. they have used up their planet and have to conquer ours.
2. They want to enslave us to do their bidding whatever it may be.

I'm not really sure, I thought maybe I missed the reason somewhere but I guess not if your not sure either.

As far as the ball of light are exactly right. If the bugs have taken you completely over NOT VOLUNTARY. and if you touch before they take you over voluntarily then you were a terrorist anyway looking for a place to land.
