The Father

Why did they change the father?


Ugh, the first one quit. They had to replace him!


why did he quit? I think he played the role better


better question... why somebody so obviously different?


I agree completely. Nothing against Doug Sheehan, but Mel Horowitz is supposed to be a scary lawyer type and Doug's Mel doesn't fit that description. He also took over Robby Benson's role as Sabrina's father. Seems like Doug takes over pre-existing characters. It makes me wonder if he's ever had any characters that were completely his own. Now the new Mel was explained on the show. Cher mentioned that her father looked like a new man after dieting for so long, but still it wasn't just the appearance, but the voice and the personality and everything. I can't help but wonder why Michael Lerner left. I looked at his filmography and I'm thinking maybe it's for the same reason Alicia Silverstone didn't star in the sitcom. Maybe he preferred to star in movies rather than on TV series. I'm just guessing there.
