MovieChat Forums > Casper (1996) Discussion > favourite episodes?

favourite episodes?

Mine has to be the one about Baby Casper, it was so cute!And it was really sweet as it was the only episode where Stretch is nice to him and looks after him as a baby, becoming attached. SWEET!!



i remember that episode about stretch vaguely, what happened exactly? and why did he have to get kindapped to go to the reunion, if he hadnt graduated and hadnt been invited in the first place? I dont really remember what that episode was about and why...


The only episode I remember of this show is where Casper and Kat get kicked out of that library. I believe the premise was that Casper wanted Kat to think she was going to the library as a date with Vic, but she was really there for a study session with him. Anyways, there was one part where Kat wrecks a little kids' puppet show that was being performed at the library and that's when she and Casper get ejected.



That episode was 'Dead of the class'. Stretch speaks about what it was when he was going to school, and haven't graduated. So he is not invited to the 150th reunion, but the guys there want to give him an PhD, so they have the mail guy kidnap him.

-Luisa Silveira


The Apollo 13 parody where Casper acts as the heat shield and the mission control director takes off his toupee and squeezes the sweat off after the mission succeeds.

Also when Stinky is in the stink Olympics or something like it and he has a stink race where his breath blasts him backward.


In no particular order:

The Ghostfather
Invasion of the UGFOs
The Alphabet Song
Poil Jammed
A Picture Says a Thousand Words
Spooks, Lies, and Videotape
The Flew
Legend of Duh Bigfoot
Elusive Exclusive


UPDATE (Also in no particular order):

Birthday Boos
Free Goldie
The Trick's a Treat
The Y-Files
A Christmas Peril
Leave it to Casper
Dare to Scare
Cancion de Olor
Great Ghouly Governess
Four Funerals and a Wedding
