MovieChat Forums > Beast Wars: Transformers (1996) Discussion > If BW becomes a movie do you think it sh...

If BW becomes a movie do you think it should be live action or CGI

Of course live action would just mean really high quality animation and real backgrounds, but it would bridge it with Transformers. I think it should be CGI to mantain its sense of history. Any thoughts?



It would be awesome. Plus I'm not sure I would want it connected to the live action Transformers.


Live-action would be kinda pointless, as only the backgrounds would be "live acted" anyway, and would also needlessly make the animating process harder. They'd have to spend loads of money just integrating characters into the scenery, while with CGI, they wouldn't have to worry about it, as the models would already be right there where they need them.


The only real upside that I could see with live action is if the studio wanted to connect it with Michael Bay's movies


Live action might compare it to Bayformers, which is abonimal!

I think if the Beast Modes have fur, and it's live action, Tigertron would look like a transvestite Cruella Deville

How do you know if you're happy or sad without a mask, or angry...or ready for dessert


BW should stay CGI.

- Gothamite #4

I've learned that it's OK to be flawed - Winona Ryder


The technology to CGI a whole live action movie exists. the biggest problem would have been the animating the fur and skin tones; which we can now successfuly do, even in day light (district 9/avatar for skin tones, ice age for fur).

They'd have to pump like 200-million into it. Shoot on location using Bluesuit actors to interact with jungle and replace with CGI bots afterwards. in the show the bots were about 2-3 times taller than the bots, and those humans were pre-historic. bippity-boppity-boo beast wars movie! Del Toro should direct, i like how he did hell boy, i think he'd be appropriate.

i'm thinking a 3 or 4 movie series. each movie covering a season more or less, (1: introduction to characters, scenery, struggle/2: nemisis story line, OP dies/3:golden discs, arc) and and a fourth movie to close up and go home, like how the series ended.

they should leave out the vok and that whole island thing. maybe have a transmetal or two, the two dino bots would be ideal. no manta ray and crab bot. and very little human interaction. all three movies should follow a check mark plot series of events.




the Vok interaction with BW was too brief to be included in the movie. the floating island, abducting and merging the hawk and tiger (who should be left out btw;imo) i cant even remember what else they did. they should keep the story line simple if they do make a a LA movie.

for people looking for content, watch the tv show. personally i wouldn't like to see everything from the tv show redone on the big screen. then you know whats going to happen, and all you can enjoy is the production value which will get old fast at the rate technology is progressing today.


I'd love a movie (or more than one ) and I agree they shouldn't do everything like in the show.

- Gothamite #4

I've learned that it's OK to be flawed - Winona Ryder


Honestly, I really hope Hollywood never makes a movie out of BW. They would inevitably reduce it to the level of the Michael Bay movies -- they would find a way to somehow shoehorn humans into it, since apparently human characters are necessary for mass audience appeal. Most of the transformers would hardly have any lines, and explosions would make up 90% of the movie's runtime. It would be a mess.


But if they keep it closer to the tone of the TV series it'd be great... and no Bay involvement.

- Gothamite #4

I've learned that it's OK to be flawed - Winona Ryder



as much as i love michael bay and watching things blow up. i have to agree, no bay. del toro. i've always likes his visual style (hellboy 1/2, pan's labrynth)

a BW movie would be the perfect test of human emotion sans humans. see how well people can relate. i think they'd be fine, look at finding nemo.



I think it would be great if they developed the Vok storyline more. That is one of the aspects that should be improved upon.

-"Only a Sith deals in absolutes"-Obi-Wan Kenobi-


i whole heartidly disagree. the tranformers are "alien" enough in this world. let's keep it simple and just do transformers and their history and future.

having the vok would add another thing to think about during and after the movie and take time away from the TF story line.



it worked great in the show because they had time to explore it and kind of explain who, what, where, why, and when.

take transformers for example, TF:Prime had heads and tails better writing than the movies. its more enjoyable on a deeper level, we get to know the characters. they have more time.



agreed. the floating island maybe.


It should be fully CGI, (quickly in maybe 7 minutes show UPGRADED footage from the show very quickly summarizing the crash, Dinobot losing to Optimus, Black Arachnia going down with the floating island, the break in to the Predacon's ship, the image of Unicron after Primal is scanned and tortured, the moon exploding, half of them changing, Primal changing into Opt Op,do it quickly and smoothly showing where we are now, and insert it somewhere in Season 3... have them start off in battle and colling down, and resting CR chambers and such, and reliving a recent battle (that actually happens in Season 3...) have them maybe go around find other Vok ruins and/or destroying them, have a few pods found, and bring a character or two into to play and destroy them near the end, maybe even have the G1 Coneheads show up... OR Explain where megatron gets the Transmetal Alien device from a ruin we DON'T see in the show - it could even destroy one of the newer characters or even bring back Scorponock and Terrosaur, have the Alien device kill one of them, and then maybe something else happen to the other... but I would love to see Transmetal Megatron over T2 Megatron. But it would need to be ALL CGI and NO early humans.


Hey, as long as it's not directed by Michael Bay, I wouldn't mind a movie or two.

[Formerly CosmosX9]


i'm totally a childhood obsessed fan so i'm writing a movie series right now in spare time that essentially ends with the end of season 3's 2 part premiere and would be followed by a G1 movie set in the 80's and see humanity skyrocket technologically in it's sequel set closer to modern times but still our past (get it? like the orignal cartoon movie set in the distant future of 2005 :p)

and i would want it to be filmed at least almost entirely live action like Dinosaurs was and replace motion capped actors with cgi characters.


That would be pretty cool. There could be a WHOLE lot more Transformer littered around the world with all sorts of various skirmishes happening, and Daniel and others becoming more headmasters, targetmasters and powermasters.
And how morbid would it be for one of Daniels friends die in a battle, and a small Autobot in turn reanimates the boy's body and using it as a shell somehow ala Pretender and in turn Daniel leaving the war despite his Headmaster or Targetmaster status depressed walks out.

3rd generation American from a long line of Gottscheers... it was Drandul, dude!
