Why only two fuzors?

I've been wondering that for years

Why, of all the badass fuzor toys (okay, maybe not Bantor, Buzzclaw or Terragator) did they only have two of them appear in the show? Torca, Injector and Skyshadow are easily some of the most badass transformers ever, and definitely the most fearsome Beastwars!


That struck me as odd as well. I always figured that, with how much trouble they had with the CGI limitations and budget, that's simply how many they were able to afford. Terrorsaur and Scorponok had to be written out due to the budget, so they replaced them with two new guys.


Originally it was to be Scorponok and Waspinator who were written out, it makes me wonder if Terrorsaur had lived would he have become a transmetal? I assumed so! I would have loved that, his transmetal toy is quite a beast (pun intended) he has these katana-wings that he can boomerang, or he can hack you up by imbedding the hooked edges in your body, ORRR he can just knock you over with them, they are damn sturdy!


Yeah, Terrorsaur was to become a Transmetal.


Yeah, a couple more fuzors would have been nice. Injector was pretty cool looking. But I also figure that was just because of the limitations they had on characters. As for Terrorsaur, I remember seeing his Transmetal toy in the stores. Of all the Transmetal toys I saw, his seemed like the most useless. He could turn into a pteradactyl and a jet. Why two flying modes? Once he became the jet, why would he ever become the pteradactyl again? At least most of the other Transmetal/triple changers had variety in their forms. All though, I guess the same could be said for Optimal Optimus' ape form. Honestly though, I'm glad they offed Terrorsaur and kept Waspinator. I couldn't imagine the show without old Bug Face!

"Inside my heart is breaking, my makeup may be flaking, but my smile still stays on!"


Lol this made me laugh. But I do wonder because the fuzor toys were f'cking cool. I guess the animators looked at Injector and Skyshadow and thought "How are they gonna move?" It mighta been just a bit too far a stretch, who knows?

The Transmetal Terrorsaur is actually a pretty sweet toy: he has boomerang wings which have hooked ends that can be used to pry peoples faces apart, and shoulder cannons like in the show  buy the toy if you can, the character deserved atleast one decent figure 
