Kiera Knightley episode

it is posted in many places online that Kiera had her first on-screen debut on the show "Ballykissangel". Despite lots of searching, I'm unable to find any reference or credits for her appearance. Anyone know? A screen capture or episode described would be great.

Having said the above, despite so many mentions all over - many are stated claiming she appeared in 1993. The show was finished in 2001.


Hmm...the show didn't make it's debut until 1996. I never saw Keira Knightley in any episode so I think it's just a rumor. She's English and BallyK takes place in Ireland. If you look at KK's bio it mentions nothing about BallyK. KK was born in 1985 which means she'd be aged 11-16 during it's run. There weren't many young female characters on the show, so I think you can safely assume she was never on BallyK. Plus, she has a face that you don't forget. I'd remember her.

Kids in the front seat cause accidents.
Accidents in the back seat cause kids!


Thanks but the bios of her all over the place mention this appearance. She very likely could have been simply one of the school children in the background. And a person can change appearance a lot from age 7 to 11 to when we know her now or her earlier more prominent roles.

I've read her worklist here on imdb, but that doesn't mean she didn't run by in the background of one episode. Plenty of actors have unlisted "cameos" on imdb.

Although it could be a mistake, rumor, given the prevalence of mentions online I'd hope someone who knows chime in.


To list just a few...


It's true that she may have been a background character, but most likely the writer of the bio mistook actress Lena Headey for her as (at least at that time) they bear a similar look. Not an exact look mind you, but a similar one. So I believe that might be an error on the part of the writer, and then by extension, anyone else who copied it.


Or maybe they thought she was Emma.



Hardly likely, since Headey wasn't someone running past in the background (she was the primary guest star in that episode), and she was 23-24 at the time while (as someone else said) Knightley would have been a child. I don't see any facial resemblance at all. If you're going on build, well then you could easily confuse any of thousands of young actresses. Considering how much time Headey's face is onscreen in the episode, I don't see how someone paying attention could mistake her for Knightley.


I’m literally watching Season 1:Episode 2 of Ballykissangel right now, Keira Knightley is in this episode..she plays the role of Father Peter Clifford’s parishioner, Jenny, from his former church. She is in love with the priest & comes to his new church to try to engage his interest again.
