Father Clifford's Car

In Series One, an elderly gentleman who confesses to Fr. Clifford that he supplied a lethal dose of morphine to his dying wife leaves the keys to his car to Fr. Clifford when he dies. There is a shot of the front of the car in the garage as Fr. Clifford opens the door. What is the make/model as I could not make out the writing. Thank you.


It's a Jowett Javelin. An awesome looking car.



So what was the point of the having this car get smashed (of course it really didn't) to smithereens? This was the episode where the kid fell down the mine shaft and Father Mac's nephew helped to rescue him. The car going over the cliff It really didn't add to the story line except to demonstrate that the nephew had a one-track mind and Father Peter had a chance to demonstrate his ability to forgive.


***Spoiler Alert***

I was thinking about this, too. I think that the writers felt that they had to destroy the car. He loved it so much, but the writers didn't want him to just drive off in his final episode. I suppose he could have left the car to someone, but maybe showing the logistics would have interfered with the story by that point.


Now that all of the logistics have been reviewed; the destruction of the car makes sense.

Speaking of Father Clifford leaving; they could have just had him board the bus when he left but they dramatically show him hiking over a hill into the sunset, almost like the final scene of "The Sound of Music."
