MovieChat Forums > The Adventures of Sinbad (1996) Discussion > Why I ultimately disliked it in Season 2

Why I ultimately disliked it in Season 2

This show started off innocent enough, and was both campy and fun. Casting white actors for ethnic roles seemed to hearken back to classic era 1940s and 1950s Hollywood.

But when the "flying saucer" and space aliens rolled around, I could only scratch my head as to why.

It occured to me that season 1 seemed to focus on magic and the mystery of Sinbad's world. And it seemed like Season two was going to be a message about reality and non-delusional thinking.

I shake my head at it. I wonder why they just couldn't keep making a good adventure series where there was a thing like magic in a fictional TV series. I'm wondering what the harm was.

But, the social psychologists that tend to pull a lot of levers for Hollywood, thought otherwise.

There's a newer Sinbad series with a "ethnically authentic" cast, so to speak. But they cast a pretty boy in the role, and I'm not sure I can stomach that.

Can't someone make a goddamn good old fashioned Sinbad adventure series without all of the social BS attached to it?


I absolutely agree.

