Seriously beautiful visuals

I took some screencaps: n.jpg rd.jpg g g ge.jpg rise.jpg un.jpg g ley.jpg

Not from the whole film, because I only started saving pics sometime after the halfway mark.

And the film was better than expected; I generally don't like romance films, but this was good. I also thought it was one of Keanu's better performances, but there appear to be widely differing views on this subject (one critic declared it the only Keanu film where he thought he could actually act, while others panned it).

To those people declaring this the worst movie ever - you need to attempt to watch the Star Wars Holiday Special. Any movie where you can sit through a minute or more without screaming in horror at its terribleness does not deserve to be called the worst movie ever.




I love this movie so don't have bad things to say about it. I agree with you on the visuals, absolutely, but just had to mention that your comment on the Star Wars Holiday Special was so hilarious! XD

Spare me your space-age technobabble, Attila the Hun!


This should've won best cinematography at the academy awards, but it wasn't even nominated.


This brings back memories of where I grew up about an hour north of the area in Sonoma County in the Mendocino grape growing region. The grape vineyards are so beautiful when they leaf out and get the fruit set. One beautiful scene though is in the spring when the mustard plants bloom and a mist of yellow is over the vineyard among the green of the grapes. Also grape vines are covered in dry bark that is always shedding and would easily catch on fire especially with the wind generated by the fire as it consumes the dry bark. The smudge pots are fueled by diesel oil so getting black from the smoke is common. The high schoolers, my classmates would be out all night lighting and refilling the pots and then refilling them one last time before coming into school and getting their homework assignments, going home and sleeping and begin all over again around 10 PM. One year this cold snap went on for a month as did the students. Waking up in the neighborhood during these times made one feel like they were in the middle of a busy airport with the wind machine turbines going. The most beautiful part of these apart from the visuals was the traditions followed by the patriarch and his son leading the family. It was a time of change but the traditions lived on with a non-Mexican son-in-law. Sure the father was a putist but his father and daughter shot that down finally. This movie was way above the movies touted as the best romance like Casablanca (couldn't stand it!) or beautiful visuals like the one made by Robin Williams that was like a Monet painting. Between the redwoods and the vineyards this was one stunning movie.


It is, indeed, one of the most beautifully filmed movies I've ever seen. (And, I agree, even Keanu isn't too bad in this).

It's a flawed film, yes, but a magically gorgeous effort.

Why don't more movies look this heartbreakingly pretty??



Yeah, it was stunning.
