Vineyards on fire!!!

My date and I pulled off to the side of the road-in Napa County- to see the crew filming the burning grapevines. I did not know how difficult it is to burn living green plants; they had to keep throwing some flammable substance on the vineyard to make it burn. The locals had a good laugh over it.


hahaha, that's cool. When i was watching the movie, i thought the fire was spreading INCREDIBLY fast! It didn't make sense. It was just a vineyard, not a huge stack of hay or anything, lol.

R.I.P Grandpa July 17, 2006


My husband, son and I watched the vineyard burning scene and wondered what kind of grapes they were growing! Perhaps an alternative fuel source. We've tried to burn off brush and know how hard it can be to get it to even start burning.



It was poor CGI if U ask spread like it was alive!!

Tropic Thunder: 4/10
Wall-E: 8/10
Quantam of Solace: 8/10
Madagascar 2: 6/10


Wall-E 8/10
Madagascar 7.5/10
Tropic Thunder 2/10
Quantum of Solace 4/10


It was poor CGI if U ask spread like it was alive!!

I don't think they had CGI when this movie was filmed. Someone else just said - real fire. Artifically induced, but real fire.



I don't think they had CGI when this movie was filmed.

Wrong-o, McFly...Star Wars was released in 1977 and one of the first big movies to make use of CGI. This movie was released in 1995, almost twenty years later. So yes, CGI did indeed in existences long before A Walk in the Clouds


Star Wars did not use CGI, it was scale models and optical effects. The first Tron did use CGI.


No CGI in 1995?

How do you think they made dinosaurs for Jurassic Park (1993)? Witchcraft?

"It's that kind of idiocy that I empathize with." ~David Bowie


All right, I stand corrected. But I thought it was limited to those bigger-budget sci-fi films, not smaller ones like AWITC?

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No CGI in 1995? How do you think they made dinosaurs for Jurassic Park (1993)? Witchcraft?


This was my major complaint of the movie - the way the GREEN grapevines lit on fire so quickly. I assumed when the lantern first got thrown that Paul would smother the flames on the first 1 or 2 vines and be a hero for saving the family. I had NO idea the storyline would have the whole place go up like that! It was a silly plotline and difficult to watch. I repeatedly said, "It wouldn't burn like that!"


Those green grapevines had to have been doused with kerosene to burn like that. I wonder how the production crew got permits to create so much air pollution in the Napa Valley. Some regulations must have been violated and/or officials paid off. The whole concept of green grapevines going up like Roman candles is only exceeded in absurdity by the frost at grape harvest time. I live in Lake County, immediately north of Napa County. Some of the hottest weather of the year occurs at the time of the grape harvest. Someone should have fact checked the screenplay.


I rewatched this movie for the first time in forever and burst out laughing at this scene. Lush, green grape vines exploding into fireballs, the whole vineyard up in smoke in under 5 minutes, totally believable.

