MovieChat Forums > A Walk in the Clouds (1995) Discussion > Keanu Reevs single handedly killed this ...

Keanu Reevs single handedly killed this movie

What a horrible, horrible actor and laughably bad "performance".


But obscured by the most gorgeous photography in cinema history.



No he didn't. I believe he was cast and directed to act that way to portray an orphan raised in an orphanage and having just come back from 4 years at war where he had had to shut himself off. He came across as confused, closed in and honorable and that seemed to be his point in the movie.

Did you actually finish the movie? I'm not challenging your right to say he didn't act well...but he acts pretty much like he always acts and why would you watch a movie all the way through where you felt his acting was so horrible and killed the you have that much free time?

