I swear, I ask alot of people if they've seen this movie, even people who've seen every movie, *beep* or great, but they say no 90% of the time! And I swear, the lack of topics on this board as well shows it!

It may not be the best movie, but I say it's an under-rated gem for what it's worth! Alot of people overlook these types of movies too, and pretty much any Sci-Fi flick from the early to mid 90's. (Which later proned alot of innovation to all these modern day action flicks.)


I've gotten that, too. There are a lot of things that I love about this film, but there are a lot that I don't, too. For the 10% that I've asked that have seen it, they look at me like I'm crazy for calling it a really good film.



Agreed. This is one of my all time favourite movies. Highly underrated.

"a donkfunkulous guy."
Websyte: http://www.NerdyJustin.com


I just bought it for a couple of bucks at my local used movie store. I was expecting a cheesy flick (ala Johnny Mnumonic) but ended up really enjoying it. Last week I had asked two of my sci-fi movie watching friends if they had seen it, and they hadn't. So yeah, it's as unknown as it is underrated. I remember the trailers on tv (during wrestling) back in the day when I was a teenager.

Come with me if you want to live.


