Not as dark or scary as...

..."The Fog". I just watched this John Carpenter remake on AMC. Those of you who have written "darkest and/or scariest John Carpenter movie", or something similar, and rated it a 10... well... I can't agree. I think it deserves every bit of 5.2/10 stars and maybe more like a 4.7. The Fog was infinitely more dark and scary. Wraith-zombies are hella scarier than aliens IMO. I've never seen proof of life from space. I'm not really scared of so-called ETI's. I have had a few brushes with paranormal activity and I can't put the idea of evil undead spirits out of the realm of possibility.


It played much as it's predecessor "Children of the Damned', which this one should've been called as instead of Village.


This is probably Carpenter's worst film. It has a sort of "working for hire" feel to it all, and just too mainstream for him; in the same way Christine was earlier. Still, it has it's plus points;

- "March of the Children" score
- Peter Jason

Drive George, drive! This one's got a coat hanger!


The Fog sucks... I hate that movie this besides Christine is like the only Carpetner movie i like


Wow... you obviously haven't seen Carpenter's terrifying remake of THE THING, or been touched by the humanity of STARMAN...


Trampyre, you're more scary than this film. I was watching Carpenter's career getting downward spiral since it could've been even called a career of some kind while you were still pissing in your pants..... but i know how to recognize his true genius and i wouldn't even start claiming that The Thing is somehow more well made than his already true classic Village Of The Damned. Here he was working independently like in his earlier classics and someone who could be blabbering that it was only a work for hire absolutely doesn't know the facts... he wanted to do this film in the first place and made it only his own way!!!


To truly enjoy and respect The thing you have to read "who goes there" the short story it was based off of.
