MovieChat Forums > 12 Monkeys (1996) Discussion > If Cole knew about the kid in the barn

If Cole knew about the kid in the barn

How come he didn't remember that some lunatic with his name kidnapped a psychiatrist? It seemed to follow that story on all the news shows.


He'd probably remember a story that involved a kid, more than a story of a kidnapped psychiatrist. Interesting point, though. Makes me think he'd also have seen some story about the Army of the 12 Monkeys (we see it as front page news in the newspapers at the airport, where he gets shot). Yet, he doesn't seem to put that together at any point throughout the movie - because it seems it's the scientists in the future who point out this 12 Monkeys gang to him. But, maybe it was rattling around somewhere inside his brain. Interesting.


I guess my point was more that he should probably remember the time someone with his own name was in the news or at least remember it just as clearly as the boy in the barn news story. But yes, also 12 monkeys news the day he went to the airport. Also I'd imagine the news would say a man was shot and killed at the airport and has been identified as crazy man James cole. Kidnapper of the psychiatrist. Said psychiatrist was also at the airport wearing a disguise. Authorities have yet to determine if the doctor was aiding and abetting or once again kidnapped by the lunatic James cole.

I would assume little James would watch that news report as well seeing that he witnessed the whole thing.


Well, I have to admit when I was 8 years old I never read newspapers or paid that much attention to television reports. I think Cole remembered the boy in the well hoax because he was able to relate to it more - a boy who was close to his own age (in 1996), someone he felt afraid for. Until he found out Ricky Newman had been hiding in a barn all along.

When he was in the hotel talking about the hoax to Dr. Railly, Cole vaguely said something about seeing it on a TV show. "Well maybe this boy saw the same TV show I did and he copied it", Cole said to Railly. There was actually an episode of The Simpsons where Bart pretended he was trapped in a well. The event even inspired Sting and some other celebrities to record the single "We're sending our love down the well". Perhaps that was the show 8-year old Cole watched and 9-year old Ricky copied? The moral of the episode being, "never cry wolf".

I would think Cole's parents might have wanted to shield him from the airport shooting news coverage - actually witnessing the event would have been traumatic enough.


The kid's story probably stood out more in his mind because is was a hoax! It probably got more play (after the fact) nationally because it was a hoax.

In August of 2008, there was a Big Foot hoax which made it on to CNN for HOURS!! I recall it clearly, I was in Columbus, OH at the I-70 Hampton Inn. How does this story ever make it on the air?

As for the Doctor's kidnapping, that could have been just a regional story (on a heavier news day).


How come he didn't remember that some lunatic with his name kidnapped a psychiatrist? It seemed to follow that story on all the news shows.

Because if you remember an even bigger event happened soon after. The virus killed everyone including his parents....

What would you remember most? A guy running through an airport or the plague killing everyone and your parents?

"What color is the boathouse at Hereford!?" 




Rob Parker was fired/dismissed (or his contract wasn't renewed) from ESPN after comments he made regarding RGIII. This was the day before the Sandy Hook shootings. Everybody remembers the latter rather than the former. Nobody recalls the proximity of the dates (except me)...


"Everybody remembers the latter rather than the former. Nobody recalls the proximity of the dates (except me)..."

Also, in the two weeks between the airport shooting and the outbreak of the virus, I don't think Cole's father would have said:

"Hey son, you know that guy we saw gunned down at the airport? Well he's got the same name as YOU. Pretty FREAKY, huh?" [Cole's father then imitates the theme music from The Twilight Zone.]
I think that would be pretty brutal parenting. At the very least, it would be insensitive. Cole's parents may have even kept him away from school in that time.


He was 9. He probably didn't read the newspaper.


Also, it's probably kind of a regional story. Unless the kidnapping occurred/originated or concluded in his town, it may not have made the local news.


Also, for those who feel that James should recall a story about a "lunatic" with the same name...

We can't be sure that the guy who shot up the Airport used his real name. He's dead!! Perhaps, Dr. Railly didn't know or realize (one way or the other) whether she should have used his real name. And, they were in costume to avoid detection.

Dr. Railly had already been looked at sideways for believing in Cole and trying to give his story credibility. Her career and her own credibility were at stake.


Right, because we all remember every single story that's ever been reported in our lives. It's unrealistic to accept the idea that somebody remembered a story, while not remembering another story that aired at around the same time. I happen to remember every story that I've ever heard on the news. Every. Single. One. I am that smart. Smarter than you, certainly. Praise me, worms! PRAISE ME!


And... Before the mainstreaming of Internet, cell phones, Twitter and the like, kids probably didn't have the same access we have today (nor pay attention) to the news.

The story about a kid hoaxing the general public PROBABLY ran for several hours (if not a day or two). It's an uncommon event and should stand out in his memory for that particular reason, alone.

Have you ever heard a familiar song and you're sure that you know the "hook" or the chorus?

Have you ever found yourself watching a movie "from the middle" and you're sure that you've seen it before? Some element of that movie story-line (or actors/scenes) stood out as familiar. The same thing could have occurred with Cole. Some element of the story about kids hoaxing the general public stood out in his memory.


Did you seriously not pick up on my sarcasm? Seriously? 


Did you seriously not pick up on my sarcasm? Seriously?

Is this more sarcasm?

Did you seriously not pick up on my "agreement" with you? Seriously?

I started out with "And..." as to say "in addition to what you have (sarcastically) stated..."


When you directly reply to someone and they say

Have you ever

the question becomes addressed to me, not the OP.

So sick of people who don't know how to use the forums correctly. 


All you had to do is read with an open mind. It was clear and you chose to focus on "something else." Don't be "sick" of me.

I was drawing on experiences which we have all had as an example (of how right you were). "Have you ever" done that? It should STILL be clear.

It's the "abstract" you! Be "sick" of folks who don't read or don't understand what they read. THAT's something of which to be "sick."

Yes, if you want to look at it that way, it was addressed to you BUT... In no world is it NOT clear that I was agreeing with you. Just like I'm not agreeing with your last post (whether I respond directly to you or not). This should be clear, too!


He does not remember because the first time the story happened, the 12 monkeys did not exist. Jeffrey created the organization in his head and then later in reality because of something James had said to him in the institute. The first time a scientist simply got on an airplane and dispense of a virus vial in major cities across the globe. The first time it happened would have happened uninterrupted, because there would have had to have been a first "pure" stream to go back to. Actually, the whole movie is pretty improbable, because if only 1% of the world survived, time travel would probably have been the last thing they were able to invent...


There is no first time and no second time, there is only 1 timeline. Cole just remembered that particular story about the kid in the barn and not other news.

"You're not thinking 4th dimensionally!"


Because he tells you, he Heard about the story with the kid and he was so scared for him. He could imagine what it would be like since he was a kid himself. A random kidnapping happends in the World and that is that. Nothing that affected him.

Where does Michael Jackson keeps his porn?
In his pedo-filing cabinet!
