MovieChat Forums > True Crime (1996) Discussion > lyrics of the 'journey through the heart...

lyrics of the 'journey through the heart'

for years i've been searching for the lyrics of this song "journey through the heart" but couldn't find one. is there any possibility that i can have its lyrucs? is there anybody here who can share it with me?? i'll really really appreciate it!... please...

if ever you have its lyrics, please kindly send it to me by a mail. here's my email address: [email protected]

thank you very much...i'll be waiting!



Hi, bullsharklady

i guess we have no luck for getting the lyrics for that beautiful song. I've mailed to the contact address from blake leyh, but they never answered my request. True Crime was only a video-movie. No lyrics-site knows the composer leyh & the female singer Amanda Kramer. Very sad.


6 years later.. still no lyrics. :(
It'd hard to sing along to past the first verse because she doesnt sing clear at all.. all I can do is hum. That sucks.

Ps. You can listen to the song on her myspace page. But still no lyrics to go with it.

Here's link:
