Okay, as some of you might know, Tremors: The Series, which originally broadcast on Sci Fi channel back in 2003 (for half a season) is finally being released on DVD. Well, I went to and found the set. I saw this funky looking box art attached to it and I took a closer look. Can anyone tell me what this is supposed to be? Because it sure doesn't look like a graboid. Btw, as far as I know Amazon is legit, so I don't think it's a hoax.

"That'll be the day."


lol Look at all the VHS/DVD covers of the films except the last one.


i tried but the video isnt there. and besides, i have all of the other DVDs. thats why i was wondering about this one.

"That'll be the day."


lol It's a picture of one of the snake worms in there mouths... with teeth. And my point is except for the last films cover you should know if you have them they mess up big time on all of them. Since they have all teeth and diffrent mouths and *beep* I just got a 4 movie torrent of all the movies and MAN there cool pictures but but WTF is right.


I just got it to day at Wal*Mart. I got to looking at the box when I got home and the first thing I noticed is the Graboid has an eye.

Give me coffee and no one gets hurt!


Do you know have the Tremors The Series because I do it's graboid / other

monsters on the cover and the reason for that is because of Mix master created

it they always show the monster diffrently that's why Tremors was awesome

not just because of the cover but the fact they don't look nothing like what

you see on the box I love all the movies just like everybody I know they all

have them now Tremors The Series was a great show and SYFY to stupid to realize

it how many Stargates do we need to see on that channel I loved Stargate the

movie was a great film but do we really need 50 other stargates shows respectful



Seriously. Does Universal just HATE Tremors or something? They refuse to give it a DVD release, but when they finally do, there are no special features, and it has a really stupid DVD cover. What, did a kid make it in Photoshop?

I have El Sonoma del Torra de Fiero Syndrome. Be happy you don't. Trust me.


its toothless from how to train a dragon! it all makes sense now. in nordic times, toothless was trained by a young boy, found a female nightfury later on, and then had a bunch of flightless babies!
