5.6? WAY to low!

This is a great movie and I'll go as far as saying that it is one of the best sequals of all time! This movie deserves atleast a 7.5 (the first movie deserves a 8.5). I know five years ago, this movie had a 5.1, and I know the rating has gone up five points, but it must be said: bring the rating up! Who agrees?

Armed and Dangerous




I agree 100%. Actually, I like all them, and I think they all need higher ratings, but expessially this one. But it's going up! Now it's a 5.7! Yahhhy!

Yah I remember when this had a 5.1, and it was rated lower than Tremors 3! Like, WTF?

I have El Sonoma del Torra de Fiero Syndrome. Be happy you don't. Trust me.


Was rated lower than Tremors 3 because less people saw that one and they were all Tremors die hard fans. Tremors 2 has low ratings from all those idiots who wanted Kevin Bacon and didn't get it, so therefore the movie must be bad.

Personally, I think 2 is the best in the series. I can't find a line as funny as "If you wanna hunt graboids, you better know geology. Now you drive while I keep my eye on this seismojigger" in ANY of the other films, which were all good to fine.


With a budget of 4 million dollars, 2 actors of the previous cast, 2 different types of monsters and 2 giant explosions with a nice shockwave, this is a fantastic production and very enjoyable :)

"If he tries to add something to the script, Superman will be in danger." - DonkeyKongKing


I think this movie was more entertaining than number one. more entertaining = better.
