Earl's Ostrich's

So one thing that has bugged me for years, is the fact when earl is talking about how wildfire needs to get together with susie to make some "little" birds. However, once dragged and they have a shot of the 2 ostrich's together but separated by the fence, both are male. Females are the lighter brown color, not black.

Not important to anything that happens, but something I wished to point out :3


Maybe that's why he's so pissed at his investment.


Well if earl was serious about ostrich's, raising them, breeding them, so on so forth, you'd think he woulda known.


Mabbe the ostriches were homosexual...!!!

wat are you lookin' at...😬


If that has bugged you for years, I would suggest you watch something like nature documentaries and not the Tremors series. It's a movie about giant killer worms that tunnel around through the desert, and you're caught up on a detail about the color of male/female ostriches?

See you guys at the 10 year prison reunion - Ben Richards
