Professional Graboid Hunter?

I just watched it again today, and a thought came to my head. Yes I know, very unusual.

At the beginning of tremors 2, Earl and Grady are killing graboid after graboid with the whole RC car contraption. Did anyone else find this to be a little too easy?

When the hell did Earl become the Van Helsing of Graboid Hunters? With all the trouble they had killing four in the first one, and I'm assuming Earl led a graboid free life after that up until the second movie, would it really have been that easy for two guys to kill that many graboids with ease?

And if the first one is an indicator, wouldn't the graboids have wisened up after about one of them ate it (take it literally or as a metaphor for death} and ceased to eat the RC cars and instead spit 'em back up?

Or is the fact that they're more spread out in this one the reason why they fell for the same trap over and over again?

All this thinking...I need to stop before my brain hemorrhages.

"I am as honest as they come, for a two-faced lying bastard."



Graboids aren't actually that hard to kill if you have the right equipment. The people of Perfection were caught off-guard in the first Tremors and knew very little about the worms for most of the movie. Most of the weapons in the town were Burt's, but most of the ammo was gone after the graboid broke into his basement(if he tried explosives back then the movie would have been a lot shorter).

The difference in Tremors II is that Earl, Burt, and Grady are going into the situation knowing full well what they're hunting and what they need to kill them. Of course, once the worms change, Earl and Burt are just as lost as they were in the first film. How can you prepare for something you don't know about?

A similar thing happens in the beginning of Tremors 3, when Burt easily takes down an entire herd of Shriekers by himself.


OK you can take what those guys said OR you can just take the fact that its a B-movie.

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. -Mark Twain


Its not just the fact that it is a B-movie. Earl had time to plan out what he would bring, and use against the monsters. He knew that the rocks worked to attract them, so he just found a way to attract AND kill them at the same time, instead of getting them there with rocks, then using ghe bombs on the rope.

I have a big weiner


That was one of my biggest problems in the sequel, the worms weren't smart. In the first movie the worms learned quickly and the same tactic never worked on them twice. They got one worm to swallow a bomb and the second time they tried it, the worm was too smart. In the sequel I can buy that the Graboids in South America were not wise to tactics used in Perfection but once the tactics had been used there, the other worms should have wised up. Even from a writing perspective I'm not sure why they put so many worms into the movie, Earl and Grady kill at least a dozen of them and then the seismometer says there are a dozen more on the way, when in the first movie they only needed 4 to build suspense. It was too easy for Earl and Grady this time, because the worms never learned.


Worms were from Mexico in the second movie, what did you expect?

LOL OKAY OKAY that was tasteless.


Not hard to understand. They only found out that the graboids can't see and only sense vibrations towards the end of the first movie. So in the second movie since they already knew that and had insane army equipment you knew they wouldn't have any trouble at first. I liked the second movie, but not nearly as good as the first. This one was more of a comedy then anything.


Doesn't matter if they spit instead of swallow, lol. The first bombs have fuses but these have radio triggers. Graboids will nip at any vibration and even if they bite down & realize they've been had, at that point it's too late.


Earl and Grady were able to kill so many Graboids in Tremors 2 because in the first Tremors, nobody had even see a Graboid before, let alone a small isolated town in the Midwest. They had to learn how to deal with a totally new enemy on the fly. In Tremors 2, Earl has already figured out a way to deal with the Graboids which is why he, Grady and Bert are able to kill so many of them.

Now it may seem like the Graboids were learning faster in Tremors, but in that case the creatures were all attacking one small community and often attacking the same targets. There were also less creatures, so Val and Earl had to use different tactics against the same Graboids. In Tremors 2, there's a lot more Graboids and Earl and Grady are killing them one at a time. So each time a Graboid encounters the RC-car trick, they're encountering it for the first time. They're also spread out over a wide area, so it's not like if one Graboid eats an RC-car and explodes his buddies right next to him figure out what happened. There's also how this time Bert, Grady, Earl and HQ were constantly in communication with each other so that they could easily find out how the others were doing.

Once the Shriekers start appearing, it becomes clear that Earl, Grady and Bert have no idea what to do initially. It's only because of Bert that they're able to figure out what makes the Shriekers tick, and even then they're still ill-equipped for the job. And come to think of it, since all the Graboids Earl and Grady encountered were getting ready to give birth to Shriekers, perhaps the Graboids kept going after the RC-cars because they needed food/sustenance much more than normal and were willing to forgo certain risks which caused many to be exploded by RC-cars.

This theme is even carried over into Tremors 3. Bert is able to kill an entire herd of Shriekers with a quad of 50 cal. machine guns because he was prepared. When the Ass-Blasters appear, the community again finds themselves unprepared and Bert inadvertently blows up his own house believing that it will stop them. However, once they figure out that the Ass-Blasters' innards are flammable and that they'll eat themselves into a food coma, the community once again easily gains the upper hand. Just look at El Blanco, Bert's dealt with Graboids for so long that one defective Graboid doesn't even phase him anymore.

Can't be too careful with all those weirdos running around.
