MovieChat Forums > Tremors II: Aftershocks (1996) Discussion > Are there multiple versions of this movi...

Are there multiple versions of this movie?

I originally rented this movie on video when it first came out. Then, I taped it on USA a few years ago. However, several scenes seemed to be missing in the USA version.

If I remember correctly, the movie's opening sequence was on the oil field in Mexico. The scene showed a graboid attacking and killing one of the workers. Then, the scene cut to Perfection Valley and Earle's Ranch.

Also, when Burt was hiding in that plow from the shrieker, I think I remember him using his knife to cut off one of the shrieker's tongues when it got way to close to tasting him.

And, I think there may have been a few more small scenes...I just can't remember much.

I would really appreciate if someone could verify that these scenes exist. I haven't read a lot of the forums on this movie, so if this is already in one of them, I do apologize.


Yes, the beginning started out how you said.

Well the sequence when Burt was in the plow isn't how you were thinking it went. He had his knife out, and he looked like he was ready to use it, but he didn't, he just held it.

The TV version on USA probably just had a bit cut out. I saw it on TV (I own it on DVD), and I remember quite a bit being cut out, so that's probably what's bothering you. There is a cool part where Julio gets his legs eaten by one of the shriekers, and they totally cut it out of the TV version. So I think you should just buy it, because it's not nearly as good with some of those parts cut out.


yea yea since its on TV (also owns DVD)and its a *ahem* family oriented channel they can't show blood gore none of that stuff, which sux for most of us and yes there is multiple versions as for like the features and stuff i have no clue cause like each country IE the US UK australia they all have different Box art that the DVD's come in cause since my girlfriend is in australia, they have a diff box art than i do here
thats tremors 3 box art in the UK
thats ours in the US
tremors 1, i think thats french i have no idea
tremors 1 US version box
i like this one but i have no diea wat language
that box set got realeased in Australia

ours i have no clue on but its called tremors:attack pack if any1 wants to search it up


TV always cuts the stuff they aren't allowed to show. They also cut seens to fit the movies into a time frame, usually 2 hours, that's why I hate movies on TV, but I still watch.


I eventually bought the DVD, and yes, the cut scenes were intact. Wow... it has been almost 9 years since I started this thread! I was going through old posts out of curiosity!


The scene with the Mexican oil worker getting eaten at the beginning may have been cut from certain television broadcasts. I believe I've seen it played on AMC instead of being censored, but I wouldn't be surprised if it got cut.

As for the scene where Burt cuts off a Shrieker's tongue, I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist. In the actual movie, Burt is hiding in a plow with a bunch of Shriekers wandering around when one of them drags its tongue into the plow looking for food. Burt understandably pulls out his combat knife and points it at the tongue with an expression that suggests he's ready to use it, when the tongue retracts and everyone calms down. Later on Burt's shown casually picking his nails with the same knife. He gets ready to use the knife, but doesn't.

The only other scene that I think may have been edited is when Julio's legs get eaten by a Shrieker. I'm pretty sure I saw that scene edited out on TV, but I don't think there's any different cuts or versions of this movie. It's been an extremely long time since I saw the Tremors movies on TV, but I've watched the DVD's multiple times and I've looked them up online and never seen anything to suggest that there's different versions of the movies.

From what I've read apparently all the Tremors movies worked on tight schedules and tight budgets, so I can't imagine there'd be any extra content to edit into different versions. You wouldn't know that from the great quality of the final products though.

Can't be too careful with all those weirdos running around.
