MovieChat Forums > Tremors II: Aftershocks (1996) Discussion > Why does TV always cut out the first Gra...

Why does TV always cut out the first Graboid attack?

It happens right after the title credits are finished.

"Fluoride doesn't prevent tooth decay. It does render teeth detectable by spy satellite." -JL



I just watched this on amc and the movie began with a Mexican guy climbing across oil barrels to get away from a graboid, is that what you mean?


I think it is. I think that maybe some channels did edit that out, for whatever reason. I saw this movie many times on HBO back in the day, but hadn't seen it since the late 90's until I recently bought the Tremors Attack Pack Blu Ray thing. I watched Aftershocks and could have sworn I hadn't seen that part with the barrels before, but it's possible I just forgot.

See you guys at the 10 year prison reunion - Ben Richards


TV does edit it out. In the TV version you see him sliding across an oil pipe and then barrels and he goes down and you see him gone but in the VHS/DVD version you actually see a graboid eat him. I guess it's too gruesome for TV.


I remember a long time ago when I first saw Tremors 2 on TV a couple times they removed the first Graboid attack where the Mexican oil worker gets killed, but for some reason in recent years whenever I see it played on AMC they never edit out that scene. Of course, different countries and different channels may edit out certain scenes but it seems like that scene's been left in more often then it's been removed.

Of course, I have the DVD so it doesn't bother me as much. Then again, it's nothing compared to Tropic Thunder. I love that movie but I've seen at least a dozen different versions of it on TV and even though I have the DVD I've seen other versions of the DVD version.

Can't be too careful with all those weirdos running around.
