Modern Recast

If the original Toy Story was released in 2015 instead of 1995, who would you cast in the voice roles of the main characters?

Here's my ideas:
Woody - Bradley Cooper
Buzz - Steve Carell
Slinky - Jeff Foxworthy
Potato Head - Danny DeVito
Rex - David Cross
Ham - Judah Friedlander
Bo - Mila Kunis
Sarge - Dennis Haysbert


Danny DeVito and Dennis Haysbert as Mr. Potato Head and Sarge are EXACTLY who I was thinking of for those roles, should there be a remake (or whatever you were thinking)...


Its perfect the way it is, and the only recast for me would be Slink because Jim Varnet sadly passed away. No other changes are needed


What about characters like Andy and Sid?


Here's my ideas
Woody - James Corden
Buzz - Tamer Hassan
Slinky - Gary Sinise
Potato Head - Geoffrey Rush
Rex - Kevin Smith
Ham - Mark Wahlberg
Bo - Angelina Jolie
Sarge - Jack Nicholson

Kid on bike "Where you going?"
Charlie Bright ""Somewhere".
