Favourite lines

"...with just a slight chill in the air"
"Here's some advice from a friend... You keep your fücking mouth shut"
"It's their word against mine, and who are they? Sixteen year old losers who grew up trailers, whose parents sit around drinking and screwing their cousins! (Giggle) I'm a professional person for christ's sakes, I come from a good home. Who do you think a jury would believe?"

" Suzanne designed the rings herself... They were round... AND gold! I mean big fûcking deal!"


"skinny bitches always wantn it, thats a medical fact" rus hines


“You know Mr. Gorbachev, the guy that ran Russia for so long? I am a firm believer that he would still be in power today if he had had that ugly purple thing taken off his head.”
