At the wedding....

Not sure if this has been covered but I watched this movie again last night and one part always confuses me.

When Suzanne and Larry are leaving their wedding, Suzanne runs back to her father and says something like "I'll still never find one like you Daddy."

What does she mean by this? And more importantly, what is with the dads reaction? Was she quoting someone?

Do guys like "the thing"?
They like it better than no thing.


She was trying to be sentimental, telling her dad she would still never find a guy like him. The funny part was that her father didn't hear a word she said.


He heard her. His reaction was...."What was that about?!?"
It had Electra overtones.

"a malcontent who knows how to spell"


Thanks guys :)

Do guys like "the thing"?
They like it better than no thing.


Why would he react that way though?


As someone said, it had a creepy undertone to it. Though she was trying to be sentimental it came across disingenuous. He may have understood it later but his immediate reaction was more of a "uh what?" I think it revealed a phony side of her implying that they didn't have a sentimental relationship.
